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ReadingLists@UCL rollover

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 27 June 2019

Summer reading

Each summer the reading lists have a new copy made for the new academic year, much like the Moodle snapshot.  This year the rollover is scheduled for the evening of Tuesday 16th July 2019.  From about 5pm that day:

  • Reading lists for 2018-19 will have an exact copy made for 2019-20, which will publish immediately
  • The old version (2018-19) will archive, which means it will disappear from public view but can be found and re-used in future years if needed
  • Students will have continuous access to their reading lists: there is no down time for viewing lists
  • Editing rights remain constant, so list editors are able to edit the new lists as soon as they appear
  • Lists already set up as 2019-2020 will be unaffected by the rollover


Please note:

  • Unpublished changes will not copy forward into the new list: please publish your lists before 16th July if you wish your updates to be carried forward.
  • We suggest you stop editing reading lists before 5pm on 16th July, and continue editing when you can see it has the 2019-20 date stamp – certainly from the next morning Wednesday 17th July, if not sooner.
  • A note on students undertaking Late Summer Assessments, and accessing their 2018-19 list.
  • To have old courses archived, new lists set up, or current module names amended, please email us your requests!


Do you need a refresher on how to edit and manage your lists?  Drop in to our office in Senate House on Wednesday afternoons, 2.30 – 4.30pm for a quick session.  You could walk away with a new list set up and ready to go, get guidance on how to link to non-standard resources, or find out how to embed reading lists in Moodle.

The ReadingLists@UCL webpages also have guides, FAQs and contact details.


Drop-in for reading list help

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 4 September 2018

Changes to module codes and new Moodle have prompted quite a few questions this month.

If you would like a hand sorting through how this affects your reading list, or would just like a reminder on how to edit your list, then come to our Wednesday afternoon drop-ins which continue as usual in the TLS office.  Each Wednesday, Pam or Hazel will be available from 2.30 – 4.30 pm to:

This way!

  • Walk you through getting started
  • Set up a new reading list and add readings
  • Troubleshoot any issues, such as linking from Moodle to your reading list
  • Give a quick refresher if you haven’t used the lists in a while
  • Provide a quiet seat to get away from your email and telephone to organise your readings!


The TLS office is in UCL Senate House, room 318.  If you aren’t familiar with this UCL Library Hub, come to the South block, third floor and ask at the UCL reception desk; or call the TLS office on 020 3549 5729 (internal x65729).

If Wednesday doesn’t suit, or you would like to set your office computer up for working on reading lists, then we are very happy to visit you in your department: do get in touch to arrange a visit!


Reading Lists Rollover

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 26 June 2018

Some rights reserved CC BY 2.0 https://www.flickr.com/photos/110342926@N07/12779910463/ ; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

‘Perfect Gwith Barrels’ by Philip Male


In TLS we are preparing for the annual ‘rollover’ of ReadingLists@UCL. This is our final task of the academic year: the CLA report of UCL’s digitised readings was sent in June, the majority of teaching has finished, and the exam period too is largely over.


Each summer the reading lists have a new copy made for the September term, much like the Moodle snapshot.  This year the rollover is scheduled for the evening of Tuesday 17th July 2018.  From about 5pm that day:

  • Reading lists for 2017-18 will have an exact copy made for 2018-19, which will publish immediately
  • The old version (2017-18) will archive, which means it will disappear from public view but can be found and re-used in future years if needed
  • Students will have continuous access to their reading lists: there is no down time for viewing lists
  • Editing rights remain constant, so list editors are able to edit the new lists as soon as they appear
  • Lists already set up as 2018-19 will be unaffected by the rollover


Please note:

  • Unpublished changes will not copy forward into the new list: please publish your lists before 17th July if you wish your updates to be carried forward.
  • We suggest you stop editing reading lists before 5pm on 17th July, and continue editing when you can see it has the 2018-19 date stamp – certainly from the morning of 18th July, if not sooner.
  • TLS are aware of the new module codes being introduced and will begin updating the reading list module codes from around 19th July.  More details in our blog post on this.
  • To have old courses archived, new lists set up, or current module names amended, please email us your requests!


Do you need a refresher on how to edit and manage your lists?  Drop in to our office in Senate House on Wednesday afternoons, 2.30 – 4.30pm for a quick session.  You could walk away with a new list set up and ready to go, get guidance on how to link to non-standard resources, or find out how to embed reading lists in Moodle.

The ReadingLists@UCL webpages also have guides, FAQs and contact details.


Drop-in sessions

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 19 January 2018

Wednesday afternoon drop-ins at the TLS office continue as usual.  Each Wednesday, Pam or Hazel will be available from 2.30 – 4.30 pm to:

  • Walk you through getting started
  • Set up a new reading list and add readings
  • Troubleshoot any issues, such as linking to Moodle
  • Give a quick refresher if you haven’t used the lists in a while
  • Provide a quiet seat to get away from your email and telephone to organise your readings!


The TLS office is in UCL Senate House, room 318.  If you aren’t familiar with this UCL Library Hub, come to the South block, third floor and ask at the UCL reception desk; or call the TLS office on 020 3549 5729 (internal x65729).

If Wednesday doesn’t suit, or you would like reading lists set up on your office computer or laptop, then we are very happy to visit you in your department: get in touch to arrange a visit!



Summer drop-in sessions

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 9 August 2017


This way!

This way!

Wednesday afternoon drop-ins at the TLS office in Senate House continue each Wednesday, despite the building work in UCL Senate House Hub.

Pam or Hazel will be available from 2.30 – 4.30 pm each Wednesday to:

  • Walk you through getting started
  • Set up new reading lists with you
  • Troubleshooting any issues, such as links to Moodle not working
  • A quick refresher if you haven’t used the lists in a while
  • A quiet seat to get away from your email and telephone, and organise your readings!


If you would like to drop by, give us a call on 020 3549 5729 (internal x65729), and we will meet you in reception to guide you to the TLS office! Or get in touch to arrange us to visit you in your office.



Annual reading list rollover

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 11 July 2017

Summer reading

Summer reading


In TLS we are preparing for the annual ‘rollover’ of ReadingLists@UCL.

This is the final task of the academic year for us: the CLA report of UCL’s digitised readings was sent in June, the majority of teaching has finished, and the exam period too has ended.

Each summer the reading lists have a new copy made for the September term, much like the Moodle snapshot.  This year the rollover is scheduled for Tuesday 18th July 2017.  In brief:

  • Reading lists for 2016-17 will have an exact copy made for 2017-18, which will publish immediately
  • Students and staff will have continuous access to their reading lists
  • Editing rights remain constant, so academics and teaching support staff are able to edit the new lists straight away
  • The old version of the reading list (2016-17) will archive, which means it will disappear from public view but can be found and re-used in future years if needed
  • Existing 2017-18 lists will be totally unaffected.

Please note:

  • Unpublished changes will not be copied onto the new list: please publish your lists before 18th July if you wish the changes to be carried forward.
  • If you would like reading lists removed – for example if a course is no longer being taught – please email us any time
  • Similarly, if any courses have updated titles or course codes, email us to request the details are updated.

Do you need a refresher on how to edit and manage your lists?  Drop in to our office in Senate House on Wednesday afternoons, 2.30 – 4.30pm for a quick session. The ReadingLists@UCL webpages also have guides, FAQs and contact details.

Term 2 Drop-in sessions

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 26 January 2017

Would a ‘getting started’ session help you get ahead?  Or perhaps a refresher in adding readings would save you some time?

Drop in to the TLS office on a Wednesday afternoon 2.30-4.30pm in Terms 2 and 3 this

year.  We are on hand to trouble-shoot problems, walk you through linking a reading list to Moodle, or you can just use it as time to set up an online list with someone on hand to speed things along!

This way!

This way!

Our office is in UCL Senate House, room 318.  If you aren’t familiar with this UCL Library Hub, ask at the UCL Senate House reception desk, or call the TLS office on 020 3549 5729 (internal x65729).

When you request a new online reading list we always offer a 1:1 orientation (just 20 minutes or so) at your own computer to get you started.  This way, you don’t have to read instructions and everything is tailored to you and your subject.

Other training

  • Hazel and Pam regularly visit Teaching Committee or Departmental meetings for a 10-minute introduction or demonstration.
  • In January we ran a small group ‘Best Practice’ session for an Engineering department.  In an hour we gave an overview, then invited academics to do the initial set up and add a few different resources into an online list.

If you like the sound of these or have other ideas, get in touch to request training, demonstrations, or for more information!

Back by popular demand! Summer drop-in training

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 1 June 2016

  • Need a quick reminder on how to update your online reading list for next year?
  • Would a ‘getting started’ session help you get ahead?
  • Or do you just want a few tips on setting up a list?

Drop in to the TLS office on a Wednesday afternoon 2.30-4.30pm from June 1st until October 2016.  We will be on hand to trouble-shoot problems, walk you through linking a reading list to Moodle, or just set aside some time to set up an online list with someone on hand to help if you get stuck!

Our office is in UCL Senate House, room 318.  If you aren’t familiar with this UCL Library Hub, ask at the UCL Senate House reception desk, or call the TLS office on 020 3549 5729 (internal x65729).

When you request a new online reading list we always offer a 1:1 orientation (just 20 minutes or so) at your own computer, to get you started.  Hazel and Pam also regularly visit Teaching Committee or Departmental meetings for a 10-minute introduction or demonstration.  Do get in touch to request training, demonstrations, or just for more information!