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Archive for June, 2014

New reading lists web pages

By Sandra Bamborough, on 26 June 2014

We have been busy updating the TLSS reading lists web pages.  Have a look at our ReadingLists@UCL home page to see the new content we have uploaded.

Do you know how to set up a reading list?  If you need a reminder on how to use your lists, here is a ‘Quick Guide’.  If you can’t remember, here is how to add your bookmarking button.  We have also added a few new FAQs to help you and your students get the most out of your reading lists.

Are you a member of a support staff team who works on reading lists, or would like to know more about them?  We now have a new page of FAQs to help support staff answer those niggly questions we have been asked most often.

If you have any other queries or would like some help or refresher training, please email us: readinglists@ucl.ac.uk

Student Survey

By Sandra Bamborough, on 18 June 2014

Just what do students really think about those reading lists you prepare for their courses using ReadingLists@UCL?  These are some of the positive comments we captured in feedback in early June from a straw poll of undergraduate and postgraduate students:

“If you didn’t have these you wouldn’t know where to begin”
“Good because you can link through to a text directly”
“If someone in the year below asked what’d help in their course I’d direct them to reading lists”
“… easy to use when doing bibliography”
“Useful if just looking for a chapter that’s linked through”

Find out how to set up a reading list  or email us


ReadingLists@UCL Introductions

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 11 June 2014


This summer sees extra energy going into ReadingLists@UCL as we are joined by Sandra Bamborough, who will focus on reading list advocacy across UCL.  Sandra will be visiting departments, seeking student feedback and highlighting good practice.  As the main contributor, this blog will regularly track her progress.

A long standing member of the TLSS team, Pam Clarke has been supporting ReadingLists@UCL since it began in 2011 and regularly gives orientations to teaching and support staff.  Pam will give updates on features and new functions to ReadingLists@UCL.

Of course there are many other people who help with reading lists and we will hear from them too over the course of the summer!

We would love to hear your questions and feedback, so please do get in touch with us at readinglists@ucl.ac.uk