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Login to ReadingLists@UCL update

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 12 January 2023

The way you log into ReadingLists@UCL will shortly be changing.  In line with other UCL authentication, the authentication system is being migrated to a new service. This is part of ISD improvements to authentication and security at UCL.

There will be no downtime and no change to your access; the login screen will look slightly different and in fact is the same as you already use for your UCL email or Explore, the library catalogue. You will now be asked for your ‘userID@ucl.ac.uk’ (and not just userID).

Old and newer version of the authentication screensThe migration date is anticipated to be 30th January.

If you experience any issues at all please contact us at ReadingLists@UCL, or from a reading list you can use the ‘Feedback’ link at top of the page.


Editing interface upgrade

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 8 July 2020

ReadingLists@UCL has had access to a new editing interface for more than a year and many new list editors are already using it.  July 16th will see the final change to the new editing interface when the rest of UCL switches over.  This will only be noticable to people with editing access to a reading list.


Click to enlarge

If you are currently using the ‘Classic’ editing view which looks like this (click on thumbnail to enlarge), then on July 16th the view will change.



The new look is … well, a good deal like the usual view!  Once logged

(Click to enlarge)

in though, moving editing buttons (‘Add resource / Add paragraph / Add section’) become available as you move around the screen.  To the far right of the resource the ellipsis or three dots indicate a drop down menu of more options.


The main change is that you stay in the usual list view to edit, much like editing a Moodle page.



Please get in touch with us for help, including the following:

  • a 1:1 guided Teams session on how to edit and manage your reading list
  • to request editing access to a reading list, or for a new list to be set up
  • library assistance with populating your reading list



Summer news

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 7 June 2019

Over the summer there will be some changes to ReadingLists@UCL. We would like to make you aware of them, so you can plan to navigate them.

Hazel Ingrey. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

Navigation marker, Margate



The annual ReadingLists@UCL rollover will occur on the evening of Tuesday 16th July.  As in previous years, there will be no interruption to use of reading lists for students or academics.  We will post fuller information nearer the time, and subject liaison librarians will notify their departments.


New Look

A new user interface (UI) is being introduced this summer.  It has been developed in response to user feedback but, more importantly, it meets web Accessibility standards ensuring it is inclusive for all UCL users.  Making this change will ensure that ReadingLists@UCL are fully compliant with the 2018 UK Accessibility regulations.

For teaching staff the new list view is available in Beta now: email the ReadingLists@UCL team if you would like to use it ahead of its roll out. We will give you access so you can toggle between the Classic and Beta views.

There is a walkthrough video of the new look for student users – and anyone else who is curious to take a look!


New optional Moodle integration

The ‘Library Resources’ block is still an excellent, stable way to link from Moodle to an online reading list, and something we recommend so that students have a consistent experience across modules. (How do I add the Library Resources block into Moodle?).

Some teaching staff prefer the additional option of embedding readings from their list directly into the the body of Moodle and use the ‘Reading list items’ option.  A new LTI has been developed by the ReadingLists@UCL software owner (Talis) which embeds readings in Moodle in this way, whilst having better accuracy at maintaining the links after the annual rollover.  This integration will be implemented in collaboration with the Moodle team.  More on this later in the summer!



New Moodle and New Module codes: update

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 3 August 2018


New module codes

In June we gave an outline of how TLS planned to manage this change to the new module codes.  Since then, the reading lists have rolled forward and TLS have started updating the module codes, using information from the Academic Model Project team. You don’t need to let us know which modules you would like updating: we are doing all online reading lists.  If any lists don’t have a new code, we will get in touch with departments to ask if they would like them left or archived

New Moodle

Moodle has been upgraded this summer and the ‘New Moodle‘ is already available, with the updated 2018-19 module codes.  For integrating with reading lists, New Moodle works in the same way as Legacy Moodle: you just need to switch on the ‘Library Resources’ block to make a link to the reading list. There is a more detailed integration which we will update this autumn, to ensure better interaction between Moodle and reading lists: ISD staff need to complete their prioirty Moodle migration work before doing this.  ‘Legacy Moodle’ is also still available for reference and also Late Summer Assessments.


Two possible problems:

  1. Students undertaking re-sit exams may wish to re-visit their former reading lists, if they haven’t saved a version.  Legacy Moodle won’t link to the 2017-18 reading list as these are now archived.  Students can search all current ReadingLits@UCL lists by module name; or if the list has been updated already, we can retrieve the previous version from the archive.
  2. The Library Resources block also contains a link to past exam papers.  All exam papers are found under their old codes so this link will not work!  Students can search Exam Papers online by module title.  If you wish to hide the broken link for this year, use the settings of the ‘Library Resources’ block to configure the block.


What you can do now:

  • If you have saved URL links of 2017-18 reading lists, either for your own reference or in student handbooks, please update them before term starts
  • Review the contents of your reading list: edit it to update notes, dates and readings, then publish to make it available to students.
  • Check your Moodle module has a ‘Library Resources’ block, and the link to the reading lists works
  • If you would like editing access to a reading list, get in touch so we can enable that for you.


For help with editing and updating Moodle, head to New Moodle and select the ‘Staff Help’ tab for guidance, or use the ‘Contact Moodle Support’ option there.

For help with editing an online reading list, please get in touch with ReadingLists@UCL.

For sourcing new books, journals, films and more, contact your friendly subject liaison librarian!



New Explore interface

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 4 October 2017

You may have noticed that a new Explore user interface (UI) has been soft-launched and is in a development phase for user testing.

When adding new readings into an online reading list however, please continue to use the classic Explore interface.  ReadingLists@UCL can only interact with one catalogue interface, so until the new UI has been formally launched, the reading lists will continue to interact best with the classic Explore interface.

Classic Explore catalogue

Click to enlarge


We will post an update on this blog, and on the ReadingLists@UCL homepage message, when the switch has been made to the new UI.

Do contact the TLS team if you have concerns or questions.