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Archive for May, 2017

Moodle course readings: spring clean!

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 26 May 2017

To help departments in their take up of online reading lists, and also promote copyright awareness and good practice, Teaching and Learning Services (TLS) have some dedicated project staff time, this June and July.

We are offering to ‘health check’ Moodle courses: transferring readings from Moodle onto online reading lists, and ensuring digitised readings are copyright complaint by using the CLA licence.   If you think your Moodle module would benefit from a tidy ready for next session, or are setting up a new module and would like our help, do get in touch!

We will also input new reading lists for teaching staff who would like to use online reading lists but don’t have time for the initial set up.

Please be aware that our project staff are only available until July 31st.  Contact us at readinglists@ucl.ac.uk  and we will complete work on a first come, first served basis!

As usual, we continue to offer 1:1 sessions and Wednesday afternoon drop-ins in Senate House, for getting started or refresher training with reading lists.