Over the summer there will be some changes to ReadingLists@UCL. We would like to make you aware of them, so you can plan to navigate them.

Navigation marker, Margate
The annual ReadingLists@UCL rollover will occur on the evening of Tuesday 16th July. As in previous years, there will be no interruption to use of reading lists for students or academics. We will post fuller information nearer the time, and subject liaison librarians will notify their departments.
New Look
A new user interface (UI) is being introduced this summer. It has been developed in response to user feedback but, more importantly, it meets web Accessibility standards ensuring it is inclusive for all UCL users. Making this change will ensure that ReadingLists@UCL are fully compliant with the 2018 UK Accessibility regulations.
For teaching staff the new list view is available in Beta now: email the ReadingLists@UCL team if you would like to use it ahead of its roll out. We will give you access so you can toggle between the Classic and Beta views.
There is a walkthrough video of the new look for student users – and anyone else who is curious to take a look!
New optional Moodle integration
The ‘Library Resources’ block is still an excellent, stable way to link from Moodle to an online reading list, and something we recommend so that students have a consistent experience across modules. (How do I add the Library Resources block into Moodle?).
Some teaching staff prefer the additional option of embedding readings from their list directly into the the body of Moodle and use the ‘Reading list items’ option. A new LTI has been developed by the ReadingLists@UCL software owner (Talis) which embeds readings in Moodle in this way, whilst having better accuracy at maintaining the links after the annual rollover. This integration will be implemented in collaboration with the Moodle team. More on this later in the summer!