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Digital Education team blog


Ideas and reflections from UCL's Digital Education team


Archive for 2012

CMALT 2013 the return of our popular e-learning portfolio programme

By Clive Young, on 20 December 2012

Certified Membership, Association for Learning Technology (CMALT)

Portfolio-Based Professional Accreditation

  • Do you use Moodle, Turnitin, Lecturecast, Opinio, My Portfolio, the UCL Wiki? Do you use Email, text, Facebook to contact students, do you read or contribute to blogs or Twitter etc. or use other technologies to support the student learning experience?
  • CMALT is a chance to learn about, share and implement good practice in the wide range of technologies that support our students’ teaching and learning. As one of our first group of candidates found: “Working together with colleagues from across UCL was helpful in terms of discovering and developing good practice”.
  • CMALT is a national peer-based professional accreditation scheme developed by the Association for Learning Technology and an opportunity to certify your growing skills and experience in learning technology.
  • Why not join us to work towards a CMALT certificate?

UCL’s The Digital Department project offers a programme to support academic colleagues, teaching administrators and others with an e-learning interest to work towards CMALT. This is the second year we are running the programme and last year’s cohort had an excellent success rate. The original programme was designed for our growing number of Teaching Administrators but this year we are expanding it to include all UCL colleagues with an e-learning interest.

1.      What does it involve?

Completion of a descriptive and reflective portfolio of about 3,000 words, demonstrating your knowledge in four core areas: operational issues (constraints/benefits of different technologies, technical knowledge and deployment); teaching, learning and/or assessment processes; the wider context of legislation, policies and standards and communication/working with others, plus one specialist option subject.  We will run monthly workshops to discuss and work on the core areas of your portfolio, and provide you with a mentor from our team to work alongside you and to ensure you successfully complete your certification portfolio.

2.      How long does it take?

It takes about six months from start to submission.  Our first cohort estimated it took around 20 hours in all to complete. The new 2013 cohort will start in February 2013.

3.      How much does it costs?

It costs £76 to register as a CMALT candidate under the UCL scheme.  In many cases last year the candidate’s department was able to cover the fee.

This is an excellent opportunity to support your professional development with lots of support available.

For further information on CMALT, please visit the ALT website at http://www.alt.ac.uk/get-involved/certified-membership

Please register your interest with Alison Gilry a.gilry@ucl.ac.uk as soon as possible.

We will hold a meeting to provide further information for prospective participants at 3.00 pm on January 15th 2013 pm (location to be confirmed).

Santa uses Grademark.

By Domi C Sinclair, on 20 December 2012

Have you ever wondered how Santa manages to grade the naughty and nice list so fast? Well the answer is technology! Just like many academic staff he uses Grademark, and very efficiently at that.

The text accompanying the video, posted by Turnitin on the video sharing site Vimeo, reads:

‘Every December, millions of children around the world write letters to Santa, explaining how they’ve been good boys and girls and letting him know what they want to see under their trees come December 25th.

Over the years, the number of kids sending him letters skyrocket. His mailbox was flooded and he found himself buried in letters, unable to respond to all of them.

One day, a little elf told Santa about Turnitin—how he could use it to accept submissions from the children, check the letters for originality, give immediate feedback, and even use rubrics to help determine if they’ve been naughty or nice. So he gave it a shot.

Share this video with your colleagues, especially the ones that look like they’ve been in an avalanche of essays.’

Watch the video and see how Santa does it.

How Santa grades millions of Christmas letters

Nice to find a free circuit simulation tool

By Rod Digges, on 10 December 2012



It’s quite hard to find good free tools that support work within STEM subjects so it was a nice suprise to come across https://www.circuitlab.com/.

Not only is it a flexible and very easy to use analogue and digital circuit simulator but the tool also allows users to share their work online inviting comments and suggestions from others. One of the things I really liked was that everything was online – no software to download, no complicated set-up just an extremely intuitive interface allowing users to try out their ideas with the minimum of fuss – great stuff.


Chalk and talk, we miss you

By Steve Rowett, on 4 December 2012

Life in the lecture room used to be so simple. There were some rows of chairs, a blackboard and, if you were lucky, some chalk. Clever teachers always brought their own chalk and I remember one lecturer announcing that their presentation would be a multimedia extravaganza with no less than three different colours of chalk used as they wrote their notes for us to copy.

Since then various classroom technologies have come and gone. The trusted old OHP gave rise to a new form of presentation, along with any number of laser printers gunked up with molten transparencies. The whiteboard seemed altogether more modern than the chalkboard it replaced, even if they do all seem to become smudgeygreyboards in no time at all.

At UCL we’ve been debating which boards are best for our classrooms and seminar spaces. The ideal board would probably allow

  • Writing using standard dry wipe pens – and easy to clean
  • Projection of a PC screen, nice and bright, but not dazzling
  • Some interactive features for annotating slides or doing software demonstrations
  • Simple to use with little new to learn and no gadgets to be lost

It seems remarkably hard to find a board that does all of these well. Some boards are very interactive but can’t be used with normal dry wipe pens. We’ve looked at glass boards, but they aren’t so sharp for projection. The next step will be ceramic surfaces with special sensor pens, but how many of the pens will go walkies and need to be replaced?

Matt, of Matt’s musings fame on this blog, said to me today that gesture boards will be the way forward, with presentations controlled by hand movements using sensors. It’s a nice idea, but I can’t help but feel that many teachers like simple technologies that don’t go wrong. And for that, writing with pens – or even chalk – is hard to beat.

By the way, the OHP isn’t quite dead at UCL yet. There has been a steady removal of them, and often they are left in classrooms unloved and unplugged. But one academic strongly objected to their removal. We were surprised: he normally adopts new technologies with vigour. It turned out that he used them for teaching chemistry. Not for writing equations, but for pouring chemicals on the glass surface and letting students see the reactions take place on the big screen. We replaced his OHP without delay, but advise you not to try this at home.

As yet – chemistry experiments aside – we don’t have a good answer to this simplest of presentation requirements. We’d be delighted to hear what works – and what doesn’t – for you.

Not MOOCing? Well LOLwtfBBQ #fail

By Matt Jenner, on 3 December 2012

or how I stopped worrying and started to love the MOOCs.

Education ’12 is like a blasting rocket. Millions invested, calculated risks, people’s futures at stake, target in sight, whole load of discovery on the way and yet it still fires away from the homestead looking a little wobbly and aiming towards the sky with a slow but determined path ahead. Also, it’s likely the funding will be cut any moment. Meanwhile, people powerlessly hope it keeps going onwards. I like rockets, they are both childish and extremely complicated. But why the metaphor? Maybe I should’ve chosen Icarus, flying around and having a good ole’ time – but that story doesn’t end so well.

In the long (and largely unchanged) history of education many huge revolutions have come by and affected teaching and learning. I’m afraid I did not study either politics, the classics, philosophy, economics or enough psychology to truly add multiple dimensions, so I must focus on the engineering; the technological developments across the ages (just for a second) that ignites that rocket.

Throughout historical technological developments pesky free-thinkers will break, rebuild, reuse and sometimes just destroy things – just to see what was possible. Technology can be plentiful, customisable, personal and omnipresent. And this is where we get to MOOCs.

Massive online open courses are the edu-buzzword of 2012. Despite ancient web cookie crumb forensic experts identifying their existence since 2007 no mass media frenzy really tackled the constructivist approaches. Any academic reading the latest in the Journal of Distance Education, or, BBC News will have heard the headlines. ‘All universities offer all courses for free to everyone. Problems = Solved’ etc. Obviously the media are having a good time but this is real news – universities are offering courses for free, to anyone.  Sure, the range is limited and some universities have clandestine motives behind this. Some are doing it to be in the club, others for marketing, most just want to experiment and others may be all three, or all over the place.

This is ok – remember that research part of a rounded institution? We can research in education too, and that involves some risk, mixed methodology and unknown outcomes. MOOCs are a phase, no university can afford, given current income streams, to offer all courses for free to everyone. But, they may consider niche, perhaps inaccessible courses to wider audiences, include the general public in open activities, widen participation within non-traditional groups or something totally wild. Surely this is the cool thing about MOOCs – if anything the fact that most academics will have heard of MOOCs in some form is a good thing. Why? Well they challenge a lot of norms about education, and they rely on technology and willing experimenters to function. This is the rocket; technology and fuel waiting to blast. Brilliant.

The world has got to a point where a tablet computer can be bought for $30 and DIY desktop base components as little as $25. If you don’t like how it works, you can learn how to code and build your own thingamabob. Or, if you’re resourceful you’ll find one that’s close, uses Open Source and make it your own. Mix this with education and you’ve got the outline for the rocket, it’s all undefined, hard to describe and largely in some crazy imaginative state. Now you just need fuel.

For students

There are some excellent academics out there; you know the ones I mean. They will lead this eduvolution. Go and find one, they’re the ones where you’ve been in a lecture and they fizzed in your brain during and after.  They led that discussion where you dug deeper than ever before. Or that tutorial where your knowledge gap made you feel so far behind from the group. That academic challenged you and now you’re miles ahead.

For academics

There are some excellent students out there; you know the ones I mean. There will lead this eduvolution. Go and find one, they’re the ones where you’ve been lecturing and they don’t stop asking questions, making your brain fizzing during and after. They dominated that discussion where you worried you’ll run out of answers. Or that tutorial where they came in looking flummoxed about a topic you’ve never considered and kept your cool while you reassured them they’re doing ok. That student challenged you and now you’re miles ahead.

(As an aside, I also have a strong admiration for support staff but they didn’t quite fit in. Sorry.)

It’s these free-thinkers, the challengers, those difficult people who break all the rules and have no interest of what the rules even were. They will redefine the boundaries of education. Our technological world is driven by this antinomy. To fail is to win, black is white, bees can fly upside down etc. It’s hard to grasp.

When the NYT reports ‘Saying no to College’ this article was automatically generated from excited and fuelled fingers (*ahem*). Being plugged into start-up culture probably helps to understand, but essentially we’re in a world where the lucky few cannot attend school and instead chase their ideas, sometimes finding rewarding reality. In this context, it means building or hacking their way into business. For the sake of this conversation, the business is education.

If you search the internet for MOOCs you’ll find a few providers offering a wide range of courses. If you read about MOOCs you’ll end up finding the growing subculture of people who are trying to redefine education with tech-innovation. It’s gone well beyond help for writing that essay, the internet is brewing cultures of learners who are not tied to institutions, but instead to one another or learning networks. They’ll probably need some academic direction, but if MegaHyperGlobalUniCorp realise how to break this market, I give it 12 months before we see real Online Universities challenging that of traditional institutions. They say employers want to see qualified certification, but if the employers are millionaire college dropouts will they care?

The past 20 years in opening or transforming education are being recorded in the Archive for future generations to say ‘@middleagedperson #remember when Old School was old’s cool?? #haha’. We’re currently experimenting but we’re also laying the foundations of tomorrow’s advanced learning networks.

The year 2012 marks a point where moocs became a word. I don’t think the term will last that long, but the aftershocks might. Already we’re thinking that certain aspects are not quite right, such as massive – why so prescriptive to large sizes? The challenge is to see how they mature and we align ourselves with the priorities.

For E-Learning Environments, one big change is that of the Public E-Learning Portal (PELP) project, which you may start hearing more and more about. Since day 2 of launch (ish) we have had wonderful reasons for ‘opening up Moodle’ to wider audiences. The simple concept is people can’t just register for Moodle access, and if we did allow this (it’s technically really easy) it means all of UCL’s internal e-learning stuff becomes far more open. We don’t want this, it wasn’t setup for that and even if we changed it, there’s a few too many risks. Instead, we’ve got support to develop that ‘open Moodle’. Designed for premium courses in professional development, we feel the scope for it is wider than this – although we’re excited to see UCL opening up to the professional market too – it’s not just money spinning, you know?

The project is slowly entering its pilot phase and we expect it’ll grow in popularity over the coming year, with modest expected numbers using the platform. Over the coming year PELP will be renamed (suggestions welcomed…), expanded, launched and will serve a variety of courses from all UCL schools. It’ll provide a base for opening up courses to the wider community. It could be used as a promotion platform, a space to inspire, facilitate global collaboration, free thinking and new approaches. It’s not UmooCL (geddit?), but it’s not strapped to a rocket a million miles away either.

This was bought to you by the inner ramblings of UCL’s Distance Learning Facilitator who spends too much free time on his day job. 


The winner of the Provost Welcome Fruit Basket….

By Jessica Gramp, on 14 November 2012

Congratulations to Charles Wilson who won a fruit basket in the UCL E-Learning Environments Provost Welcome competition. Charles is a Teaching Fellow in the Welsh Language at the UCL Centre for Languages and International Education. Thank you to all those who participated.


If you would like any assistance using learning technologies in your teaching at UCL please contact the E-Learning Environments team.