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Do my digitised readings also roll forward?

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 17 July 2017

A timely question today from a UCL medical department.  Having seen that the online reading lists will roll over on Tuesday 17th July, they ask ‘when my reading list becomes a 2017-18 list, will the digitised readings on it also roll forward and remain available?’.

Readings BenTerrett 3234063524

‘Readings’ by Ben Terrett CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

All online reading lists roll forward and have a new version for 2017-18 created. If a department lets us know a module isn’t running we will archive the list so it isn’t visible for the coming year.

When lists roll forward, any readings that the library has digitised will also roll forward and remain available. The majority of these readings are digitised using the CLA licence. These have a little auto-check as occasionally rights holders withdraw from the licence, however we find that almost all readings are fine to re-use the next year.

Just a few readings will not be available by virtue of having individual copyright permission requested. The TLS team will need to re-request the copyright permission if the readings are to be used again in the coming year.  We email the academic or list owner for confirmation that they would like to re-use the same readings for next year:

  • If they are required then we re-request the copyright permission and the department covers any fees incurred, as usual.
  • If the readings are not needed, or if there is no reply from the department or tutor, then unfortunately we will have to remove the reading from the reading list as it won’t be covered by any permission for that year.

Our course readings webpage has more information on digitising readings under the CLA licence and how we request copyright permission.  Please do get in touch if you have any questions!

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