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Digital Education team blog


Ideas and reflections from UCL's Digital Education team


Develop your Digital Skills: Term 3 training courses and more

By Katy O Foster, on 7 March 2024

Image of two badges on a blazer. One of them says Digital Skills

From training and support to helping you improve your digital capabilities, read below to find out what exciting opportunities Digital Skills Development can offer UCL staff and students in term 3.

Term 3 training courses

To book, follow the links below or find more information here: How to book a course on MyLearning.

Mastering Excel

30/04/2024 14.00 15.00 DSD: In a Nutshell: Excel functions we should all know Online
28/05/2024 10.00 11.00 DSD: In a Nutshell: Excel functions we should all know Online
28/05/2024 13:00 14:30 DSD: Pivot tables in Excel – Workshop Online
29/05/2024 13:00 14:30 DSD: VLookup in Excel – workshop Online
30/05/2024 13:00 14:30 DSD: Charting with Excel Online
Excel Essential Skills Workshops
08/05/2024 14.00 15.00 DSD: Excel Essential Skills – Workshop 1 (campus-based) In-person
22/05/2024 14.00 15.00 DSD: Excel Essential Skills – Workshop 2 (campus-based) In-person

Data analysis and visualisation

Choosing the right software
16/05/2024 14:00 15:00 DSD: Software for success: Winning with charts Online
24/04/2024 10.00 17.00 DSD: An Introduction to R with Rstudio (campus-based) In-person
01/05/2024 14.00 17.00 DSD: Data visualization in R with ggplot2 (campus-based) In-person
23/05/2024 10:00 17:00 DSD: An Introduction to R with Rstudio (campus-based) In-person
06/06/2024 10:00 17:00 DSD: An Introduction to R with Rstudio (campus-based) In-person
15/05/2024 10:00 17:00 DSD: Getting started with Stata (campus-based) In-person
03/06/2024 14.00 16.00 DSD: Scripting Stata Graphs Online
05/06/2024 14:00 17:00 DSD: Scripting Stata’s Tables and Collections (Campus-based) In-person
09/05/2024 14.00 15.00 DSD: In a Nutshell: Starting an Nvivo Project Online
30/05/2024 13:00 14:30 DSD: Charting with Excel Online

Interaction and collaboration

30/04/2024 13.00 15.00 DSD: Software for success: Survey tools Online
14/05/2024 10.00 11.00 DSD: Mentimeter – improving feedback and interaction Online
08/05/2024 13.00 14.00 DSD: Introduction to REDCap for research Online
09/05/2024 12:00 13:00 DSD: Data import and export in REDCap Online
09/05/2024 15.00 16.00 DSD: Managing participants in REDCap Online
14/05/2024 12:00 13:00 DSD: Options in designing consent forms in REDCap Online
14/05/2024 14.00 15.00 DSD: Using conditions and filters in REDCap Online
21/05/2024 13.00 14.00 DSD: Setting up User Rights and Data Access Groups in REDCap Online
02/05/2024 13.00 14.00 DSD: Qualtrics Tips and Tricks Online

Multimedia content: Creating and editing

Graphic design and photo editing
30/04/2024 10.00 11.00 DSD: Design an impactful research poster using UCL templates Online
07/05/2024 14.00 15.00 DSD: Basic image editing using free tools – demo Online
16/05/2024 10.00 11.00 DSD: An introduction to free graphic design tools – Inkscape Online
21/05/2024 10.00 11.00 DSD: Photo editing with Pixlr X – workshop Online
30/05/2024 10.00 11.00 DSD: Creating infographics using free web based tools Online
Film and video
02/05/2024 10.00 11.00 DSD: Make a short film using your iPhone Online
07/05/2024 10.00 11:00 DSD: Planning and filming advice for a short film Online
23/05/2024 14:00 15:00 DSD: Explore the potential of UCL Mediacentral  Online
29/05/2024 10.00 11.00 DSD: Best practice for video captions and transcripts Online
25/04/2024 10.00 11.00 DSD: Podcasting made easy Online

Writing, presenting and referencing

14/05/2024 10.00 11.00 DSD: Mentimeter – improving feedback and interaction Online
Microsoft Office
23/04/2024 10.00 12.00 DSD: Format your Thesis (Windows) – Manage long documents in Word Online
23/04/2024 14:00 15:00 DSD: Creating accessible PowerPoint presentations Online
07/05/2024 13:00 14:00 DSD: PowerPoint for Researchers and Presenters: Words, Images and More Online
08/05/2024 10:00 11:00 DSD: Word Tips and Tricks Online
04/06/2024 14:00 16:00 DSD: Format your Thesis (Windows) – Manage long documents in Word Online
29/05/2024 14:00 17:00 DSD: Kick-starting your literature review with Zotero (Campus-based) In-person

Accessibility and assistive technology

Social media
28/05/2024 14.00 15.00 DSD: Creating accessible social media content Online
Film and video
29/05/2024 10.00 11.00 DSD: Best practice for video captions and transcripts Online
23/04/2024 14:00 15:00 DSD: Creating accessible PowerPoint presentations Online


Git version control
04/06/2024 13.00 14.00 DSD: In a Nutshell: Git version control Online
05/06/2024 10.00 13.00 DSD: Dive into Git version control Online

Social Media

28/05/2024 14.00 15.00 DSD: Creating accessible social media content Online

LinkedIn Learning

In addition to the above, UCL staff and enrolled students can access over 16,000 courses for free on LinkedIn Learning.

Join us for an online webinar to discover more about the benefits and features of LinkedIn Learning:

18/06/2024 13.00 14.00 Discover LinkedIn Learning  Online

Digital Skills Support: Office hours

To make them more widely accessible, our drop-ins have been changed to an office hours format, with slots available each day. If you have a question or would like individual support on a specific issue, book an appointment with one of our team: Digital Skills Development Office Hours

Upgrade your skills with the Discovery Tool

In partnership with Jisc, the Digital Skills Development team have put together a Discovery Tool to help UCL staff and students identify gaps in their knowledge and improve their skills. Use the self-assessment questions to start your journey towards better digital skills today: Discover your digital

Now with AI questions added for staff

The Jisc Discovery Tool now has a question set for staff on Digital skills in AI and Generative AI and a lot of new resources on AI skills have been added to the tool. Find out more in our blog post.

Contact us

For any questions on Digital Skills Development at UCL, email isd-digiskills@ucl.ac.uk

Starting up Stata with personalised options

By Jim R Tyson, on 4 March 2024

There are often things one can do to personalise and improve ones experience with software that involve some cusotmization, and that may be easy on your own machine, but less easy if your machine is managed by the organisation (in this case UCL).  My Laptop is managed by UCL (although I do have some elevated rights).

In an effort to improve my Stata workflow and output, I have several graphing options that I want to apply to all graphis I produce in Stata.  Typically, I want the Title left justified, in black, to take up the whole width of the graph (rather than the plot region) and to appear top left (at 11 o’clock).  The graph region colour should be white with no axis lines for x or y axes and with no fill-colour or border colour.

To simplify this I put these in a global macro ‘graph_opts‘ and add the macro to the start of any graphing command as $graph_opts . Anyone who knows how lazy and inconsistent I am, will already be guessing that while I may aspire to do this, I more often just hack away at my graphs until they look (more or less) as I want.  This is the worst kind of laziness because a little effort in setting this up would make for less work.

So I decided to investigate – could I automate this?  And I can.  At first, my heart sank slightly when I realised I would have to deal with the system paths on my managed machine, but it turned out to be very straight forward.  You can use sysdir on the stata console to find your stata program files folder.  When you navigate to this folder, use dir *.do to check for the presence of the file sysprofile.do -this means you are in the right directory.  Now, create a new do file called profile.do  Any code you add to this file is executed on Stata start up.  Knowing that I added these lines to my own profile.do (I used the Stata do file editor, but any plain text editor such as Windows Notepad would do as well):

// For -twoway- graphs
global graph_opts ///
  title(, justification(left) color(black) span pos(11)) ///
  graphregion(color(white)) ///
  xscale(noline) xtit(,placement(left) justification(left)) ///
  yscale(noline) ylab(,angle(0) nogrid) ///
  legend(region(lc(none) fc(none)))

// For -graph- graphs
global graph_opts_1 ///
  title(, justification(left) color(black) span pos(11)) ///
  graphregion(color(white)) ///
  yscale(noline) ylab(,angle(0) nogrid) ///
  legend(region(lc(none) fc(none)))

Of course you will want to change these to meet your own preferences – which may mean a deep dive into the Stata documentation.  It is however worth it given the time and effort you will save in hacking at graph code (or [shudder] gph files) to ensure that your graphs are all consistently presented in your reports.

Removal of obsolete Zoom recordings stored in Lecturecast (Echo360) on 11th March 2024

By Silvia Giannitrapani, on 4 March 2024

As per the UCL retention policy, any Zoom-recorded content in Lecturecast will be deleted if it meets the following criteria: 

  • Zoom recordings that have never been shared with a Lecturecast course section 
  • Zoom recordings that have never been viewed.

Staff members impacted by this will be contacted with further details. Should they wish to retain these recordings, they are advised to ensure a copy is stored in their Zoom account, unless they have manually deleted them. Alternatively, a copy of the recording can be downloaded before the 11th March 2024 by following the instruction below.  

 Please note: Teaching events captured or uploaded to Lecturecast (Echo360) will not be affected. 

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please get in touch with the Lecturecast Support Team and we will respond as promptly as possible. 

Discover your Digital – AI questions added to the Discovery Tool

By Caroline Norris, on 22 February 2024

The Discovery Tool consists of reflective question sets which explore your digital practices and confidence levels.  The main question set looks at overall digital capabilities but there are also additional question sets for staff covering effective teaching and accessibility and inclusion and leadership all from a digital perspective.   The tool can also be used by students and there is a general question set for all students and one aimed at new students.

See below for full details of how to use the tool and upcoming workshops on 23 April and 13 May.

New for 2024 there is now a question set on Digital Skills in AI and Generative AI for staff and a similar question set will be available for students on 20 March 2024.

The staff AI questions are arranged under the following categories:

  • Responsible AI
  • AI and digital proficiency
  • AI and digital productivity
  • AI and information and data literacy
  • AI and digital communication
  • AI and collaboration and participation
  • AI and digital creativity
As with other question sets you get a customised report  indicating your confidence and proficiency in each area represented in a chart (pictured right) and some suggested next steps to develop your skills.
All the reports signpost to a wealth of free resources and these have been augmented with additional AI-focused content.  We have also added customised UCL resource cards which signpost relevant UCL policies, guidelines, resources and learning opportunities.
Want to find out more?  Visit the Discover your digital web page for details about how to use the tool or come along to a workshop to try it out.  We can also arrange workshops for specific groups of staff or students.  Contact us with any queries.

New Moodle training – Quiz, Question Bank and Gradebook

By i.niculescu, on 20 February 2024

The Digital Education team is launching new Moodle training packages.

Who is this training for?

These training packages are aimed at staff who are comfortable navigating the Moodle interface and understand its basic functionalities.

It is aimed at both academic and professional services staff.

What does the training cover?

Moodle Advanced Quiz and Question Bank

  • an overview of Moodle question types
  • building a Moodle Quiz that uses advanced features
  • accessible and inclusive quiz design considerations
  • advanced quiz settings such as feedback, question randomisation, and adaptive mode
  • an overview of the Question Bank interface
  • how teams can manage question banks
  • organising question banks clearly with categories and tag
  • analysing question usage and quiz results

Moodle Gradebook

  • an overview of the Gradebook interface
  • basic functionalities and how to access key features
  • advanced features such as grade calculations, scales, outcomes and customised reporting
  • considerations for regular checks and maintenance of gradebooks

How can I learn?

Self-paced online course, workshops, or a combination!

The same information is covered by both the self-paced online courses and the online synchronous workshops, the only difference is the delivery mode.

How do I access the self-paced courses or book a workshop?

Self-paced courses

The estimated completion time for each course is between 2-3 hours.

Online synchronous workshops (equivalent to self-paced courses)

You can register using MS Forms, this will automatically generate an Outlook calendar invite which includes all the necessary information for joining the workshop.

Each workshop is 90 minutes long and will take place online.

Advanced Quiz Management in Moodle

Question Bank & Question Analytics in Moodle

Moodle Gradebook

Depending on your role, existing knowledge and availability, you can choose the combination which best suits your needs e.g. one workshop for Question Bank and self-paced course for Advanced Quiz. After completing the online courses or workshops, staff can get further support by getting in touch by email to digi-ed@ucl.ac.uk.

The training packages will be further developed as we receive feedback and input from the UCL community. Course participants will be notified when new materials will be added to the courses.

If you missed one of our workshops, please use the ‘Registration of interest’ form and we will contact you as soon as it becomes available again.

Global Deactivation of Portico Mappings

By pauline.harding, on 20 February 2024

Portico mappings on Moodle pages were globally deactivated on 22nd February 2024.

Enrolled students will retain access to their Moodle courses.

How will this impact students on my course?

  • Students who are already enrolled on a Moodle course WILL continue to have access to that Moodle course.
  • Students who join a Module on Portico WILL NOT be automatically enrolled onto the corresponding Moodle course.  Students can still be manually enrolled.
  • Students who leave the module on Portico WILL NOT be automatically unenrolled.

Moodle and Portico mappings

If Portico mappings are active on a Moodle course, student enrolments on that course are automatically updated overnight to mirror the student registrations in Portico.  Consequently, students who change courses or withdraw from their studies are automatically enrolled or unenrolled from the Moodle course when their Portico record is changed.  This is desirable when students change/drop modules within the first few weeks of term, however, if students are automatically unenrolled after they have been awarded grades, these grades become inaccessible, which can be very problematic.

Note: the ‘inaccessible’ grades, submissions and logged activity are not deleted.  These can be accessed again if the student is re-enrolled manually, however while a student is no longer enrolled on a course, there is no way to view their content.

Why deactivate Portico mappings?

To reduce the likelihood of this particular ‘inaccessible/missing grades’ problem occurring, Portico mappings have been deactivated on all Moodle courses.

For more information about Portico deactivation and why this is done, please see the wiki guide – Deactivating Portico enrolments.

Can I re-activate Portico mappings on my courses?

Doing so may unenrol existing students in error.  Before making any changes, please contact us at digi-ed@ucl.ac.uk