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Chrome 80 browser update

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 5 February 2020

Google Chrome version 80 is being rolled out.  After 17th February using Chrome 80 may cause an error logging to some services, including ReadingLists@UCL.

If you use Chrome 80 and find you are unable to log in, workarounds include:

  • Use a different browser.
  • Use Desktop@UCL: UCL has not yet updated its Chrome browser so it will work fine.
  • Change the SameSite settings in your Chrome 80 browser.  Details of how to do this are in yesterday’s ISD update post.

Talis, the software owner behind ReadingLists@UCL, is also working to solve this from their end.  For the most up to date information on this please check the ISD homepage notices.


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