New term inspiration for your reading list
By Hazel M Ingrey, on 13 January 2025
New year greetings from the ReadingLists@UCL team! Three things to get us back in the swing of term.
- Applications are open again for Student Curriculum Partners nominations. This is a wonderful scheme pairing students with modules, to review them through the lens of inclusivity. The academic receives recommendations on their module, and an insight into how students view their curriculum. A key aim of the project is to reduce awarding gaps for marginalised student groups at UCL. As an academic all you need to do is nominate your module to initiate the process. Did you know you can use your online reading list as a starting point to examining the diversity in a module? Take this further with our ReadingLists@UCL’s Guide, Liberating the Curriculum page.
- During Disability History month 2024 the UCL Community contributed book suggestions on the national theme ‘Disability, livelihood and employment’. Read more in the UCL article ‘Disability History Month 2024’. The call out is from the Library Liberating the Collections group, and if you wish to find the recommended books in UCL Libraries then online reading lists are created for all the History and Celebration months.
- Finally, our ReadingLists@UCL Guide for academic and support staff has had a significant update, with additional resources. Do take a look for support in linking your list to Moodle, getting started and more. You can book a 1:1 with the team any time, to learn how to add and manage readings, ask questions or troubleshoot issues. We look forward to hearing from you!