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Digital Education team blog


Ideas and reflections from UCL's Digital Education team


Digital Skills Event at the Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering

By rmapaed, on 6 March 2014

Digital Skills EventMany thanks to Jessica Gramp and Vicki Dale of E-Learning Environments for their contributions to our Digital Skills event!

This event was for first, second, and intercalated undergraduate students in the Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering. It was an opportunity for these students to gain greater awareness about digital skills that are useful for their learning at UCL and their careers beyond UCL.

Jessica Gramp gave a presentation that included live polling with clickers.

In an anonymous survey, we asked students about the devices and websites that they find useful for learning at UCL, both in terms of receiving information and contributing to the learning of their peers. We are grateful to Vicki for her insights to create the survey.

The event closed with a semi-structured networking part, with a view to connecting students outside their academic years and to exchange advice on e-learning.

Based on the positive feedback that we received from students, we plan to extend the event to include third and fourth year students next year. We’ll follow-up on this blog when we have data compiled from the anonymous survey.

– Adrien Desjardins / Mohini Nair

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