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Book swap

By simon.bralee.15, on 13 February 2023

In the second of our series of blog posts outlining easy ways to support our colleagues and customers with the cost of living crisis, Abi Heath from the School of Pharmacy Library has compiled tips from across LCCOS on creating effective book swaps.

Setting up a book swap is a great way to help promote wellbeing, sustainability and help people with the cost-of-living crisis.

The Reading Agency review in 2015 concluded that studies had found reading for pleasure had several benefits enhancing empathy, increasing understanding of the self and the ability to understand one’s own and others’ identities.

Several library sites are already offering book swaps, and these are very simple to set up:

1. Find a space for your book swap.

This could be a spare trolley that you can utilise or else consider setting one up on a window still or other suitable space using bookends.

2. You will need some books to get started.

To get donations consider:

  • Asking colleagues (keen readers may have read their Christmas books already or you may be able to take advantage of people doing a spring clean/ decluttering)
  • Put a call out to the department to see if any staff or student have books that they would like to donate.
  • Get in touch with one of the UCL libraries already offering a book swap to see if they can spare some titles to help get you started.

3. Promote 

Let your users know that you have a book swap and encourage them to come and help themselves or donate books. The Sustainability team have useful posters on their webpages (under criteria 012) that you can use.

Poster with text saying 'Book swap: Feel free to donate or pick up a book'

A book swap poster in the Science Library

You might also want to consider promoting via social media as well – School of Pharmacy have used Instagram stories to promote new books when they are donated.

Instagram story image of Margaret Atwood's book Oryx and Crake with text over the top 'SoP Library have some new books in our book swap'

You can use Instagram stories to promote new books in the book swap.

Some happy book swap customers might also post their swaps on social as well. Keep an eye out for these and reshare.

4. You may also want to tie in with other fundraising activities.

At Queen Square Library two Professors donated books to help raise additional funds for Alzheimer’s Research UK as part of wider fundraising.

5. Keep your books fresh.

Books can be sat on your shelf for a while – why not contact another site to see if they would like to ‘swap’ titles from their book swap.

A trolley is loaded with books, before a resplendent cheese plant (aka Monstera deliciosa)

The book swap in the Main Library

Thanks to Grazia Manzotti and Sarah Lawson for sharing tips and photos of their book swaps.