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LCCOS staff news


News for colleagues within the LCCOS department.


Staff benefits awareness- staff survey action group.

By Grazia Manzotti, on 5 September 2018

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing as a member of the Staff Survey Action group. From the staff survey it appears that most library staff  (84%)  are aware of UCL’s range of benefits for its staff. 

We thought this is very  positive,  but we would like to remind staff of the range of benefits available to us all.  We have found this link on the HR website which is a very comprehensive list of what is available: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/human-resources/pay-benefits/staff-benefits

Of course what is not listed on the HR site and available just to Library staff is the flexi system.

Kind Regards





UCL Staff Survey 2017: Time for Action

By Benjamin Meunier, on 19 February 2018

The Staff Survey results are in! What happens next?

The Provost and Nigel Titchener-Hooker, the SMT Staff Survey Champion, hosted a Town Hall meeting for UCL staff on 13 February, where the high-level results of the Staff Survey were presented for UCL as a whole. The Provost identified 5 UCL priorities based on the survey:

  • Improve the physical environment
  • Performance Management
  • Workplace stress and Wellbeing
  • Aligning UCL 2034
  • Bullying / Sexual Harassment

Within Library Services, we had a 63% response rate, which is slightly higher than the UCL average, so I would like to thank all of you who took the time to complete the questionnaire. Only 31% of respondents believe that action will be taken on the survey (-12% compared with UCL as a whole), so there is work to do to ensure that we respond to the issues which emerge from this survey’s results… You can view the full set of scores for Library Services in the “How we’re doing” section on LibNet.

What happens next?

In order to make change happen, we have our Staff Survey Action Group, whose first meeting immediately followed the Town Hall. In our meeting, we tried to identify the main areas for improvement in Library Services, which will form the core of our Action Plan. We are also looking at areas to investigate and also areas of good practice to celebrate.

These are the key areas which we will be exploring as a group, to identify specific actions we can take to improve Library Services:

Areas for improvement

  • Leadership and Staff Engagement
  • Bullying and Harassment
  • Communication
  • Working environment
  • Management / Appraisals
  • Career development

 Areas for further investigation:

  • Low sense of work objectives being aligned to those of UCL
  • Low levels of being encouraged to show initiative and being proactive
  • Pay levels in comparison with similar roles in other organisations
  • Stress and impact on wellbeing

Areas identified for celebration:

  • Understanding how work contributes to the success of the department and of UCL
  • Sharing ideas to improve things
  • Freedom to work in a way that suits, and not needing to work excessive hours
  • Constructive feedback received between appraisals
  • Awareness of UCL’s benefits for staff and support for wellbeing issues / stress

The Action Plan is a formal document, which will need to be signed off by the Library SMT and will then be sent to UCL HR in late March, so that departments’ progress in implementing action plans can be monitored centrally. If you would like to share suggestions for actions, or have any queries about the Staff Survey results, please contact me or one of the members of the Library Services Staff Survey Action Group. Once they are approved, we will also share the Action Plan and the minutes of the Staff Survey Action Group meetings on LibNet (see links above).

For more information, and to watch a video recording of the Staff Survey Town Hall meeting, you can visit the UCL Staff Survey 2017 webpage.

Staff Survey Action Plan update: new Staff Survey Action Group to be created

By Benjamin Meunier, on 9 June 2017

The latest version of the Library Services Staff Survey Action Plan is available on LibNet. There has been activity on the areas which you identified as members of staff working in the Library, and the description in this version of the plan shows what progress has happened since last November. Highlights are outlined below, with a call for colleagues who would like to represent your peers in a new Staff Survey Action Group, which will devise the Action Plan for the next Staff Survey (due in late 2017).


Improvements to communication

Library SMT signed off a new internal communication strategy in May 2017, founded on staff feedback including findings from the Staff Survey. New strategy includes provision for more regular SMT Q&As responding to Library staff concerns or queries in monthly staff newsletter.


New computersImage of all in one EAP

In light of staff feedback about IT equipment in Library Services, senior management approved additional expenditure of £110,000 to accelerate the replacement programme for staff desktop PCs. The Digital Libraries Team has ordered 121 new all-in-ones to replace all the staff Desktop@UCL PCs which are the lowest spec. Exact dates for delivery are yet to be confirmed, subject to the suppliers and ISD’s lead-in times, but the aim is to have the new equipment ready for start of session in September 2017.


Staff Survey Action Group

The Library SMT approved the establishment of a Staff Survey Action Group, chaired by myself as Director of Operations, to oversee action on future survey findings in an inclusive and transparent way. Terms of Reference have been agreed, and I will be calling for nominees during the summer to represent all grades of staff across Library Services. If you are interested in taking part, and have any queries, please contact me.

The Director’s View: Library Staff Conference 2016

By Paul Ayris, on 21 July 2016

UCL Library Services Staff Conference 2016

The 2016 UCL Library Services Staff Conference was held today, 21 June, on the theme of Communication. Our Guest Speaker was Dr Roger Mosey, Master of Selwyn College Cambridge. Before becoming Master, Roger previously spent most of his career at the BLibrary Staff Conference 2016BC. His final role was as Editorial Director, and previous jobs included being Editor of Today on BBC Radio 4; Controller of BBC Radio 5 Live; Head of BBC Television News; Director of Sport and the BBC Director of London 2012.

Roger gave a fascinating insight into the role of the media in the 21st century, based on his experiences at the BBC. He then applied his insights to the role that the media has with audiences that universities and their libraries need to address in the twenty-first century: senior decision makers inside and outside the university, students, alumni…

The Library has just appointed its first professional communications officer and she will be joining us in the Library later in the Summer. We look forward greatly to increasing our communications activity once the post is filled. It is an important step in the Library presenting modern, cutting-edge services of relevance to UCL and which help deliver the Library Strategy, since communication is part of one of the Key Performance Areas (KPA).

As leader of one of the Conference’s parallel sessions, I also used the 2016 Library Staff Conference to deliver the Library’s Action Plan for the Staff Survey 2015 (available for download), which identifies areas in the Library responses to the 2015 Staff Survey to celebrate, and also challenges to address. Overall the response rate was 48% (150 responses out of a possible 311). The highest scoring question was Q2: I know how my work contributes to the Library, which scored an 88% satisfaction rating. This is a great endorsement of the Library Strategy and the way colleagues understand how they contribute to its success. There were also areas in the Survey which present challenges for the Library. In the section Leadership and Change, only 22% of Library respondents agreed that ‘Senior management provides effective leadership (HoDs and above)’.

In discussion amongst the two groups to whom I presented the Action Plan, there were a number of different suggestions made on how the Library could improve its scores in the next Survey. One common theme was the need to undertake more communication, with a particular emphasis on communication between teams in the Library as well as between managers and colleagues. The example of using post-it notes on a central board, in the recent Customer Excellence pilot, was highlighted as a model of good practice.

It is important that aLibrary Staff Conference Programme 2016ction is taken on all the Action lines in the Library’s Action Plan for the Staff Survey 2015. To achieve this, implementation and monitoring of that implementation have been handed over to the Staff Development and Training Group. and the Library’s Leadership Team, under the relevant KPA: Staff, Equality and Diversity. Regular reports will be made to UCL senior management every 6 months on progress in implementing the Action Plan, which was recently approved by UCL Library Committee.

The 2016 Library Staff Conference has been a great success. Colleagues have been engaged, focussed on the important theme of Communication, participated in team building sessions and had fun. The Awards at the end of the day underlined what a fantastic job every member of UCL Library Services staff can perform. The Reception at the end of the Conference therefore celebrated success on a number of fronts and underlined our commitment to ever-increasing excellence.

Paul Ayris

Director of UCL Library Services