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LCCOS staff news


News for colleagues within the LCCOS department.


Induction taskforce – sign up now!

By Angela Young, on 29 August 2024

All LCCOS colleagues are now invited to sign up to contribute to student welcome and induction events as part of the LCCOS Induction Taskforce. To join the Taskforce simply claim your slot(s) now for the activities of your choice by adding your name to our Induction Taskforce Scheduling 2024 spreadsheet. You can contribute as much or as little as you wish, with your line manager’s agreement.

We need your help to deliver the following activities:

  • International Student Library Seminars: 12.15-13.00 every day w/c 16th September in the North-West Wing.
  • Support Services Fair: 10.00–15.30 every day Mon 23 – Wed 25 Sep in the North Cloisters.
  • Explore demonstrations: 12.00-12.30 and 12.30-13.00 every day w/c 23 September in the Science Library G15 Teaching Cluster room.
  • Getting Started spaces in Main and Science libraries: 10.00-16.00 every day w/c 23 September, and wraparound at Main Library towards the end of w/c 16th Sep and w/c 30th Sep.

Full briefing will be provided in an online briefing on Thursday 12 September 11.00-11.50am, which will be recorded for any Taskforce members unable to attend. Briefing information will also be provided in a document.

Find out more about about all our welcome activities on our Getting Started: Events and activities website.

Contributing to the Induction Taskforce is a great opportunity for anyone across LCCOS to get involved in meeting and greeting new students, to work with colleagues from across LCCOS, and to develop your experience and skills.

Here’s what some Taskforce members said when reflecting on their involvement last year:

“It’s always good to meet the new students and welcome them. It was good to work with other library team members. It was a very good opportunity to learn from them as well.”

“I learned from this experience and really appreciated the opportunity to contribute.”

“I really liked helping with the Explore session, and engaging with the users in a class setting and on a one to one basis in something specific like searching Explore.”

If you have any questions, please contact Angela Young.


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