Wilkins Terrace update – noisy works near Main Library
By Sarah Custard, on 18 November 2015
Works on ‘Tunnel A’ on the Wilkins Terrace site in the area close to the JBR will continue until around Easter. Underpinning of the tunnel will start next week and these works are expected to generate some noise. Works will last for approximately 6 weeks with noisy works taking place before 10am and after 4pm to minimise disruption to surrounding buildings including the Main Library.
Other news
Steelworks are continuing on the site of the ‘old physics yard’ constructing the new terrace for the project.
Cleaning of the Wilkins Building facade will start next week with a team of abseilers carrying out the work.
Window removal works in the North Cloisters will also start week commencing 23rd November and continue for approximately 3 weeks. This is not expected to cause significant noise disruption.
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