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Want to know more about working in the US? Then ask UCL alumni on Facebook!

By uczjsdd, on 5 December 2016

#AskUCLAlumni about Working in the US – with UCL alumni working at Cisco

On Wednesday 7th December 5.30pm-6.30pm we’ll be holding a Facebook Q&A on working in the US. Two UCL alumni, Aris Iliopoulos and Iman Diarra (full profiles below), who worked on the Cisco International Internship Program, will be at their computers ready and willing to answer your questions. If you’re curious to know how to appeal to US recruiters, how to navigate moving to and working in a new country, how the US work environment compares to the UK, or more about the Cisco International Internship Program, this is the livechat for you! Leave a comment on the UCL Careers Facebook page thread right now, or on the day and Aris and Iman will get back to you on Wednesday 7th. You can also submit your question in advance by emailing it to careers@ucl.ac.uk with the subject heading “#AskUCLAlumni”. It will be answered during the livechat session, and you can visit the Facebook thread afterwards to find your answer.

Meet the alumni

Aris Iliopoulos 

 aris“I graduated from UCL in 2013 with a Bachelor’s in Information Management for Business. Right after graduating, I moved to the US for Cisco’s International Internship Program (CIIP) which is a year-long internship in Silicon Valley. Throughout that year I met students from all around the world who share the same passion for technology as I have. One sentence to describe my first year in the US would be: “The best year of my life”. I am currently a Software Engineer @ Cisco, working for the Chief Technology and Architecture Office in San Jose, California.”


Iman Diarra

 Iman_small_“I did my primary and secondary school in France and Belgium, and then studied Information Management for Business at UCL. After several internships in Marketing and PR within the luxury industry, I felt it was not the right fit for me and decided to consider a career in IT. Right after graduating in 2015, I moved to the Silicon Valley to intern at Cisco San Jose for a year. I spent that year learning user experience design, making life-long friends, travelling around the US – basically having the time of my life. I was hired in the UK after my internship, and I now design user experience at Cisco London!”

Ask Aris and Iman about working in the US via our Facebook page thread or by emailing it to careers@ucl.ac.uk right now.

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