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Employer Led Careers Skills Workshops – book while there are still spaces!

By uczjvwa, on 14 October 2013

Are you a PhD student or research staff member who is interested in finding out more about Group Exercises and Assessment Centres or Case Study Interviews?

Come to one of the Employer Led Careers Skills Workshops while there are still spaces free!

Group Exercises & Assessment Centres with the Civil Service

Monday 21st October        2:00 – 4:00pm     

Do you want the opportunity to understand more about how to demonstrate key employability skills such as teamwork, communication and organisational skills to an employer? Employers value these skills and they often use Assessment Centres in order to assess them. However, Assessment Centres are the point where candidates often slip up in the recruitment process. This workshop will give you the chance to try some exercises and help you to navigate the tricky points of demonstrating your skills in an assessed exercise.

Case Study Interviews with Teach First

Tuesday 22nd October      2:00 – 4:00pm   

Many recruitment processes for management, consultancy, technical and research roles involve the use of case study questions. This session will enable you to understand the reasons for asking scenario based questions and provide strategies on how you can tackle them.

PhD students can book a place via the following link: http://courses.grad.ucl.ac.uk/course-details.pht?course_ID=928

Research Staff can book a place via the following link and looking under the ‘Employer Events – Autumn Term Programme’ tab: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/careers/researchers/staff/workshops

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