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UCL Public Engagement Blog



New Ways of Seeing: Printmaking as an Introduction to University Part 7

By Mohammed Rahman, on 22 July 2020

This post is the seventh in a series on the Printmaking Project, which is part of an outreach programme for secondary schools and colleges in east London. It focuses on the process of digitising the exhibition and is written by Shared Training an Employment Programme (STEP) trainee Mohammed Rahman.

Handling History with Sarah Dhanjal Part 3

By Caroline Francis, on 15 July 2020

As part of a series looking at museum work that happens outside the public eye, we asked one of our longstanding workshop leaders about their experiences using different collections with primary school children.

New Ways of Seeing: Printmaking as an Introduction to University

By Caroline Francis, on 8 July 2020

This post is the sixth in a series about the Printmaking Project, which is part of a programme for secondary schools in east London. It is written by Nia Fekri, a final year BA student at the Slade School of Fine Art.

A workshop surrounded by bones: Inspiring the next generation part 2

By Caroline Francis, on 1 July 2020

This post is the second in a series on the Bio-robotics and Animal Movement Project, which is part of an outreach programme for secondary schools and colleges in east London.

A workshop surrounded by bones: Inspiring the next generation part 1

By Caroline Francis, on 26 June 2020

This post is the first in a series on the Bio-robotics and Animal Movement Project, which is part of an outreach programme for secondary schools and colleges in east London. It is written by final year BASc Arts and Sciences student, Maisha. 

Engagement in a time of social distancing

By Briony Fleming, on 25 March 2020

This blog was written by Helen Craig (Public Engagement Manager – SLMS) bringing together the thoughts and experiences of the whole engagement team.

Science in the shrubbery

By Briony Fleming, on 28 May 2019

This post has been written by Dr.Hayley Pye who is a Research Associate in the Centre for Molecular Innovation. Last august; thinking ourselves well organised and ready to ‘communicate some science’, a group of friends and colleagues took ourselves off to Einstein’s Garden. Einstein’s garden is full of scientists and science stalls – all hidden […]

The Only Way is Ethics

By helencraig, on 16 April 2019

How did we end up bringing together 20 people to talk about ethics on a Wednesday afternoon? It started with the UCL Public Engagement Network, a bi-termly meeting which exists to bring together UCL staff and students interested in public engagement. Topics are suggested and voted on by members – and one of the most popular […]

Our trip north of the wall: reflections on 2018 Engage conference

By Lizzy Baddeley, on 12 December 2018

“Twas the month before Christmas, when all through the UK The public engagement professionals were coming out to play” Every November, the UCL Engagement team makes a yearly pilgrimage to the Engage conference, a national gathering of engagement professionals organised by the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE). It’s a chance for us to […]

Make the world your classroom: Public Engagement Network

By Briony Fleming, on 15 May 2018

On the 25th April, together with the Arena Centre, the Public Engagement Unit hosted their most recent network meeting. The event was focussed on Public Engagement in the curriculum and we heard from a range of speakers outlining their experiences of trying to embed engagement work in their teaching.