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UCL Public Engagement Blog



The UCL Centre for Co-production in Health Research is recruiting!

By Niccola, on 24 June 2019

Are you interested in how the co-production of research can improve the health of our diverse society?

Do you have skills in sustainable business model development?

How about applying for the Interim Head of the UCL Centre for Co-production in Health Research maternity cover role? The Centre is looking for temporary support to help us progress several key elements of the project including developing a sustainable business model for the future, nurturing potential partnerships and ensuring great internal and external relationship management. Details on how to apply are outlined below.

We’d love to have you join us!

What is the UCL Centre for Co-production in Health Research all about?

The Centre, which is funded by the Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund (ISSF3) until August 2021 is currently under development. It is co-producing innovative approaches to involve a diverse range of people in research design, particularly seldom heard-from voices. As a group of interested patients, carers, members of the local community, researchers and healthcare practitioners we are working together (in line with our co-created ‘Principles that we want to live by’) to develop the Centre. We make decisions collaboratively about how we co-produce the Centre and are working to ensure that the end result is a Centre that works for everyone. The development work to date has involved over 150 collaborators, we have funded four pilot projects and supported a fifth pilot to learn about what works and what doesn’t in relation to co-production. Phase 2 Pilot project applications are currently being reviewed in time for those chosen to be funded to start at the end of July 2019.

The Centre work is closely aligned to the increasing focus of Government, funders, communities and researchers on co-production as a way of addressing current and future health and social care challenges. As such, we are keen to take this project from a small and self-contained one to a scaled-up, integrated and embedded one across the UCL School of Life and Medical Sciences, and ultimately, the institution as a whole. The Centre is due to officially launch in mid to late-2020. The Centre development work is currently funded until 2021.

In order to achieve all of this we are looking for someone like you to join the team!

If you would like to find out more about the Centre please have a read of our blogs about the work completed to date.

How do I apply for this job?

You simply need to:

  1. Have a read of the job description in PDF for the role (if you would prefer a Word version of the document this is also available, please email Niccola on the details below).
  2. Ensure that you understand and embrace the Centre ’Principles that we want to live by’ in the way that you work. Still interested? Great! Please read on
  3. Write a statement (approximately 500 words/1 page of A4) about how you meet the job role Person Specification requirements – if you would like to have a chat beforehand this is no problem at all, please email Niccola (details below) and we can set up a time.
  4. Email an application that includes the following to Niccola
    – Your CV (Curriculum Vitae)
    – Your supporting statement (as outlined in point 3)

Please note: deadline for applications is 12 noon on Monday 8 July. Interviews will take place on Wednesday 24 July, so please hold this date in your diary if possible.

Should you require travel expenses in order to be able to attend the interview or if you have any access or participation requirements please don’t hesitate to let Niccola (details below) know.

Is there any other nitty gritty to be aware of?

  • The role is on a part time basis for a five month period initially (from Aug/September 2019 to early February 2020) with the possibility of extension.
  • The Centre is open to a joint proposal from two people for a job share of this role. If you would like to take this option please submit one email containing 2 CVs and a supporting letter which sets out clearly the skills and experience of each job share partner and which parts of the role you would each cover.
  • The Centre is open to applications from freelance workers or individuals looking for part time work.
  • Where possible work will take place at UCL Culture offices, 38-50 Bidborough Street, London, WC1H 9BT and Maple House, 149 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7NF but the Centre is open to discussions about some remote working.
  • The successful applicant will be required to register with the UCL Temporary Jobs Agency – Unitemps in order to be paid.

If you have any questions or queries please get in contact with Niccola (details below).

Contact details

Please send all applications by the deadline of 12 noon on Monday 8 July to:

Niccola Hutchinson-Pascal
Email: n.pascal@ucl.ac.uk

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