Job satisfaction amongst secondary teachers in England is declining. Now we have some of the least satisfied teachers in the world
By Blog Editor, IOE Digital, on 19 June 2019
19 June 2019
By John Jerrim
Today, new results have been released from the TALIS 2018 survey – a study of the teaching profession conducted within more than 40 countries across the world. Along with Sam Sims, I co-authored the national report for England.
The survey, conducted amongst a large, nationally representative sample of primary and lower-secondary teachers, included several questions about job satisfaction. As an international survey, we can therefore compare the job satisfaction of teachers in England to teachers in other countries. Also, as the second time TALIS has been conducted in England, we can also examine trends in teacher job satisfaction over time.
This blog will be short and not-so-sweet. The results (more…)