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CPD4HE Project Blog



Archive for the 'Marketing' Category


By uczajah, on 31 March 2011

We enjoyed our internal OER event yesterday –  a joint effort between the CPD4HE and DHOER teams, and part of the UCL Teaching & Learning Network (TLN) programme.

Ulrich Tiedau and I gave a short introduction to OER and the UKOER programme. This was followed by contributions from Simon Mahoney (DHOER) and June Hedges, Man Yang and Rosalind Duhs (CPD4HE).

Between us, we covered individual and institutional motivations for releasing and using OERs, IPR and Risk, the processes involved in developing and releasing OERs and the issues we have encountered in our different roles (teaching, technical development, licensing).

We also formally launched the OER@UCL website.

New postcard available

By Man Yang, on 11 March 2011

I have slightly redesigned the project postcard to include the url of our released resources, blog url and twitter ID. The postcard, along with other marketing materials, are available to download from the Documentation section on the project web site.

We’ve also post more than 100 postcards to the University of Nottingham to be included in the packs that will be handed out at the  Open Nottingham event. We are hoping that the project postcard will help us to raise more awareness of the CPD4HE project and our released resources.