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CPD4HE Project Blog



Archive for November, 2010

OER, IPR and Licensing Workshop

By Man Yang, on 26 November 2010

OER IPR Support LogoThree members of the project team attended the “Before You Start: OER, IPR and Licensing Workshop” which was held at UCL on 24th November.

Led by two members of the OER IPR Support Project Team, the workshop provided an overview of copyright and other IPR issues. It also covered the different types of Creative Commons licences, the obligations to JISC and how we can embed good IPR practice into existing processes.

I found the workshop very helpful. For those who couldn’t attend, here is the link to OER IPR Support where more information and resources can be obtained:

HEA workshop for OMAC projects

By uczajah, on 26 November 2010

This workshop on Tuesday 23 was an opportunity to find out about other OER projects in our strand and to hear the latest on the UK Professional Standards Framework (PSF) from the HEA. We also found out that the consultation on the new PSF is due to begin this week.
One good outcome of the meeting was that the HEA agreed to produce a set of tags for the UKPSF standards, core knowlege, activities and values. If we all use these tags it should help potential users identify useful resources.

Final project plan and November meeting

By Man Yang, on 12 November 2010

The final draft of the CPD4HE project plan and work packages are now available under Documents in the team area.

Also our next project meeting is to be held in CALT on Thursday 18 November 2010 at 2.30 pm.

Update Assessment and Feedback

By uczardu, on 10 November 2010

Dear all,

Just to let you know that I’ve started uploading power point presentations and writing short texts for the Assessment and Feedback area.

Date for steering group meeting

By uczajah, on 5 November 2010

The CPD4HE Steering Group will meet on Tuesday 30 November, at 2.30, at UCL. Agenda and details to follow.