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CPD4HE Project Blog



Dissemination plan

By Man Yang, on 3 June 2011

We are now planning our project dissemination over the next two months. The major event is the CPD4HE workshop which will target resource users and focus on research, values and digital literacy. The date of the workshop is now confirmed on 12th July 2011. We have invited David Kernohan from JISC to give a presentation at the event. An outline of the programme will follow soon.

With the support from HEA/JISC, we are also planning three lunchtime webinars targeting three groups of audiences: educational developers and programme providers, academics and individuals taking accreditation, and librarians. Date and title of each webinar will be announced when finalised.

content provided units 5 and 7

By UCL Women's Liberation, on 6 December 2010

I’ve just updated the content for ‘Unit 7 Values in HE’, and this time it is in the right place, not an additional page. I don’t have permissions to delete the earlier page so that is still there. Following discussion with the Steering Group last week I thought I should add Perry to the annotated reading list, and a few other things too… it is *not* finished.

I’ve also posted a lot of content for ”Unit 5 research and teaching’ including Ros’s virtual plenary on this topic. I have the jpeg separately, it displays OK in Word but did not survive cutting and pasting into Silva editor. It is also *not* finished. I think I need some Silva training!

Anyway, hope it gives the rest of the team something to go on, and I’ll work on the ‘curriculum’ unit next.