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CPD4HE Project Blog



research teaching relationship – under development

By UCL Women's Liberation, on 9 August 2011

Re-reading the content for the first draft of ”the research teaching relationship’ block I’m overcome with doubts! Is the research teaching nexus qualitatively different to designing a teaching session, or assessment? Is it more abstract?  It is impossible to discuss this topic without theorising, and considering the theorising of others…  but does that mean that it is possible to engage with designing a teaching session or assessment without theorising? Surely not…   I can see the annotated bibliography is going to be particularly important, but I don’t expect people to start reading this all in the original. Does that mean I have to write an overview  or sketchy ‘guide to the territory’ in the introduction? What sort of practical outcomes would be useful as a result of the activities?

Comments welcome…

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