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CPD4HE Project Blog



First Programme Meeting

By uczajah, on 11 October 2010

It was great to find out about other Phase 2 projects, learn more about Phase 1 outcomes and the support available to us through the programme.

The OER IPR team, Web2Rights offers advice and has created resources to help deal with IPR and licensing issues – eg an interactive Licensing Decision Tool and Copyright Tool. JISCLegal is also there to help. A review of Creative Commons licensing options was very helpful, and the presentation on technical considerations was reassuring as well as interesting.

Finally, I was very pleased to make contact with other project representatives, especially with Jane Secker, project manager of DELILA. We agreed to stay in touch and to work together on issues of common interest. Another useful contact was Richard Atfield, whose project Open for Business is developing a grid to help map resources to the UK PSF.

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