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UCL Culture Blog


News and musings from the UCL Culture team


Specimen of the Week: Week Eighty-Six

By Emma-Louise Nicholls, on 3 June 2013

Scary MonkeyThe decision for this week’s specimen of the week was an exciting adventure through the paths of taxonomic mishaps and similar looking un(closely)related animals. I chose (actually the curator suggested) a particular species and so off I went to find what specimens we had of said creature. Confusingly, the two specimens I found looked not a great deal alike (upon close inspection with the eye and thought process of a super duper scientist such as myself. Uh hum.) A wee while of interwebbing later I came to an interesting conclusion. So excited was I, by the chance to do real live comparative anatomy, that I wanted to share the experience with you. Therefore, this week you get TWO specimens. Oh yes. This week’s Specimens of the Week are… (more…)