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IOE Blog


Expert opinion from IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society


Anonymised peer-reviewing – help or hindrance?

By IOE Blog Editor, on 11 February 2025

A desk and two pairs of hands reviewing papers.

Credit: imtmphoto via Adobe Stock.

11 February 2025

By David Scott

This short piece is a plea for full disclosure in processes of peer review and evaluation in academia. It stems from a philosophy of research explained in the trilogy of books that I have just published with UCL Press: On Learning: A General Theory of Objects and Object-Relations (2021); the edited collection On Learning: volume 2, Philosophy, Concepts and Practices (2024); and On Learning: volume 3, Curriculum, Knowledge and Ethics (2025). It is also reflected in my latest publication, On Learning and Ethics: Philosophy, Knowledge and Normativity (2025, Ethics International Press). That philosophy of research is underpinned by a semantic and valorised epistemology – meanings and values are prioritised – and by a careful and ethical approach to the world. Read the rest of this entry »

A decolonised curriculum: principles and values

By IOE Blog Editor, on 28 January 2025

Back of students sitting on black chairs in classroom.

Credit: Sam Balye via Unsplash.

28 January 2025

By Sandra Leaton-Gray and David Scott, with Rita Chawla-Duggan, University of Bath

In many higher education institutions, best practice principles for curriculum design frequently reflect a model that perpetuates colonial assumptions about knowledge, learning, and assessment. These principles, ranging from “cutting-edge content” to “optimised engagement”, prioritise well-recognised measurable benchmarks and notions of corporate efficiency while failing to interrogate the power structures embedded in curricula. A decolonised curriculum, on the other hand, challenges these assumptions and offers a transformative approach to education. In this blog post we analyse what that means and how it might best be achieved, drawing on learning from other, interconnected parts of the education system. Read the rest of this entry »

Enhancing higher education access for highly skilled refugees and asylum seekers

By IOE Blog Editor, on 21 January 2025

An outstretched hand holding a graduation cap with yellow tassel against a blurry background.

Credit: EduLife Photos via Adobe Stock.

21 January 2025

By Aine McAllister

Highly skilled refugees and asylum seekers encounter multifaceted barriers to accessing postgraduate study in UK higher education. These include wider societal and structural barriers as well as those specific to university entry. Often, the latter is a twofold barrier: to access at all, and to access commensurate with existing qualifications, professional experience and achievements. Read the rest of this entry »

Should young children use technology in school? Lessons from South Korea

By IOE Blog Editor, on 17 December 2024

Korean child using a laptop.

Credit: jamesteohart via Adobe Stock.

17 December 2024

By Rachael Levy and Jennifer Chung

‘Technology is bad for kids!’ This statement has become something of a slogan in recent years with parents, teachers, educationalists and health workers, among others, raising the alarm about the ways in which technology is deemed to be damaging children. You may have seen the recent Channel 4 programme ‘Swiped’, which removed smartphones from children in an attempt to improve child well-being. Recurring themes include concerns about harmful online content, cyberbullying and screen addiction, often resulting in the call for all children, especially young children, to be protected from the digital world as much as possible.

However, the world we live in is digital. To take the example of literacy, we know that learning to read now includes developing skills to make sense of screen texts, and learning to write now includes learning to code using programming languages. This raises challenging questions for the field of early childhood education, particularly in relation to potential tensions between the desire to offer children opportunities to develop the digital literacy skills needed to succeed in the future and the desire for them to avoid the harmful effects of technology. Read the rest of this entry »

Early childhood education in the age of digital platforms and Artificial Intelligence: benefits and challenges

By IOE Blog Editor, on 12 December 2024

Male teacher teaching an elementary school student using a laptop.

Credit: wavebreak3 via Adobe Stock.

12 December 2024

By Guy Roberts-Holmes

Commercial early childhood education (ECE) digital platforms have expanded rapidly since the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus far, there has been a lack of critical research on their growth and consequences. The aims of this blog are, firstly, to open a critical space to think about the political economy of commercial education platforms and, secondly, to ask questions about their impacts upon the experiences of educators, families and children. Read the rest of this entry »

UN Genocide Prevention Day: a survivor, teachers and students stand together

By IOE Blog Editor, on 5 December 2024

The stone columns UCL Wilkins building lit in purple to mark Holocaust Memorial Day.

The stone columns UCL Wilkins building lit in purple to mark Holocaust Memorial Day. Credit: Mary Hinkley, UCL Creative Media Services.

5 December 2024

By Andrew Lawrence

On Monday 9 December, UCL’s Centre for Holocaust Education marks UN Genocide Prevention Day with a special conversation between a survivor, teachers and students. The roundtable discussion will explore the possibilities that genocide education affords as well as the challenges that tackling such sensitive histories brings. Read the rest of this entry »

Applying a political economy lens to evidence-informed policymaking

By IOE Blog Editor, on 26 November 2024

Pen, magnifying glass and documents on a wooden table.

Credit: tonefotografia via Adobe Stock.

26 November 2024

By Veronica Osorio Calderon and Mukdarut Bangpan

The growth of Evidence-Informed Decision-Making (EIDM)

Evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) is the idea that decisions, particularly in policy, should be based on the best available research, along with other factors like public opinion, costs and practicality. As an approach, it aims to make decision-making more systematic and transparent by using a structured way of identifying and applying research evidence in policies.

EIDM has gained significant traction in recent years. This was especially clear at the Global Evidence Summit in Prague in September, which brought together 1,800 attendees to discuss the role of evidence in policymaking. Just shortly afterwards, UK Research and Innovation and the Wellcome Trust committed approximately £56.5 million to further EIDM, globally. This latest example of funding to support EIDM is dedicated to advancing “living evidence” initiatives and, specifically, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance evidence use in policymaking. Read the rest of this entry »

Why we need to democratize Ofsted inspections

By IOE Blog Editor, on 19 November 2024

Man wearing smart suit smiles while holding booklet.

Credit: Phil Meech for IOE.

19 November 2024

By Bernie Munoz-Chereau

This commentary is adapted from Bernie’s contribution to the ESRC Education Research Programme event, ‘Democratic decision-making in English education: whose voices count?’ You can watch the event recording on UCL Mediacentral.

Imagine for one moment that you are subjected to the visit of a team of inspectors. They will come to your workplace at any time after one to three days of giving notice. When they arrive, they will spend a couple of days collecting information (i.e. observations of your performance, interviews with your colleagues and/or ‘service users’, institutional data, etc.). Then, they will use the evidence they have gathered to rate the quality of your performance, which will first be communicated to you in a meeting with you and your team, and then reiterated in a written report a few weeks later. This report will identify the name of your organisation and, once published, will be publicly available for anyone in the world with access to the Internet.

If the inspectors conclude your organisation is doing a good job, new opportunities may open up for you as its leader, such as taking on more responsibility, career progression, and even training those new in your sector and profession. If, on the contrary, the inspectors conclude the performance of the organisation you lead is poor, a spiral of decline might follow. In the worst-case scenario, your institution might be closed or taken over. Colleagues might move to other jobs, while, for those who remain, there might be fewer resources to work with.

Within England’s schools system, these latter risks are very real following a poor outcome from an inspection by Ofsted. Read the rest of this entry »

World Prematurity Day: an opportunity to rethink childhood, children’s rights and wellbeing beyond survival

By IOE Blog Editor, on 14 November 2024

Woman in white, red and green top holding newborn baby skin-to-skin.

Credit: Solen Feyissa via Unsplash.

14 November 2024

By Rosa Mendizabal and Viviana Ramirez, UDLAP (Universidad de las Américas Puebla, México)

World Prematurity Day, marked every 17 November, unites families and professionals to raise awareness about the challenges of preterm birth. Global landmarks are lit in purple, symbolising hope, compassion and support, while sock lines with nine full-sized pairs of socks and one tiny one represent the one in ten babies born prematurely. Addressing this issue through improved, holistic neonatal care remains crucial for reducing preventable deaths and adverse outcomes at birth. Despite the various challenges posed by preterm births, it is important to recognise that much has been achieved so far in improving care – in part through allowing children, including the most vulnerable neonates, a voice. Read the rest of this entry »

Opportunity for all? Which pupils are studying languages in England and why?

By IOE Blog Editor, on 7 November 2024

Teenage students paying attention to teacher in secondary school.

Credit: Drazen via Adobe Stock.

7 November 2024

By Ann-Marie Hunter, Elin Arfon, and Zhu Hua


One of the aims of the UK government’s current curriculum and assessment review is to ‘break down barriers to education’. Our research within the NCLE Language Hubs programme contributes to this discussion by exploring pupils’ access to languages.

We found that policy decisions made at the school level can significantly boost the uptake of languages at GCSE – but this can come at the expense of inclusion. We suggest that this tension is driven by accountability measures and other constraints that shape schools’ approaches, leading them to select pupils to study a language who have high achievement in other subjects like maths and English. We hope our research can contribute to positive action at the national and school level to address this concerning dynamic. Read the rest of this entry »