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‘A typical Oldhamite’ and The Deaf & Dumb Herald and Public Intelligencer

By H Dominic W Stiles, on 1 February 2013

CLEGG, Ralph (ca.1849-1918)

Ralph Clegg was the son of John Clegg a self-made industrialist from Rochdale.  Clegg senior had worked in a mill from childhood, at a time when the working day lasted from 5am to 8pm. He saved his pennies, learned to read and write, and became an apprentice in Heywood.  Marrying a daughter of one of his employers, John Clegg moved on to Samuel Lees and Sons as a manager. His inventions such as “Clegg’s Pick” (used for working the shuttle on a loom) founded his prosperity. His son Ralph would appear to have had a form of deafness from childhood illness as he is not described as ‘Deaf’ in the 1851 census when he was still under two years old. Ralph was the founder & editor of The Deaf & Dumb Herald and Public Intelligencer which lasted for only one year in 1876-7.

In 1881 Ralph was living in  Oldham with his wife and four young children, working as a draughtsman, able to employ a domestic servant. In 1897 he married Martha Ann Topping, also Deaf, in Hendon. One wonders if it was engineering work which took him there. By 1901 Ralph was a mechanical engineer living at Levenshulme in Manchester.  The 1911 census finds them in Warrington, and says that they had had no children together.  Ralph would appear to have died aged 71 in 1918 in Warrington. Unfortunately we do not have the Warrington records for that time and I have not found an obituary.

Mission work with Deaf people began  in Oldham in 1852.  In 1869 it became a branch of the Manchester mission, with the superintendant Rev. G.A.W. Downing.  However the records show that some of the Deaf in the mission in Oldham became discontented at being a junior branch and they broke away from the Manchester Adult Deaf and Dumb Society in 1875.  The British Deaf Mute  for 1894 and the Oldham Mission report for 1903 (Brief Sketch of the History of our Society by W.J. M’Cormick) gives some details of this struggle. Ralph Clegg was a leader of the malcontents and his Herald was perhaps an attempt to give his side some intellectual weight (though a superficial look does not seem to show that the paper highlights any division).  The Herald itself has articles by Deaf people (including Chester Malam, subject of a previous entry), about some related issues such as education, and the old favourite temperance, but Clegg used a good deal of padding as well in the form of stories about animals or anecdotes. He was progressive in some of his views, being greatly concerned about the fate of a young Deaf man, Samuel Todd, convicted for manslaughter in Birmingham and sentenced to 15 years (p.11-12, p.36-7).

The Herald folded after a year having left Clegg £80 out of pocket. His father’s death in 1877 cannot have helped matters.  M’Cormick says of Clegg (Oldham Deaf and Dumb Society Annual Report 1903 p.36-7),

Mr Clegg – long may he live – is a typical Oldhamite; pushing, resourceful, self-reliant, and enthusiastic. He played a large part in Oldham and Manchester Deaf circles. The wielder of a ready pen – virile and logical – in his hands it was and is a mighty weapon. He made things hum, with the result that from the departure of Mr. Woodbridge until the advent of Mr. A. Welsh, now missionary at Dundee, in 1884, Oldham saw no more resident missionaries.

Clegg seems to have been a confident, intelligent Deaf man who wanted to take control of his own affairs.  It is possible that more could be, or indeed already has been unearthed about Ralph Clegg, so please let us know if you can add anything to the story by commenting.

I have uploaded the two contents pages as a pdf file.  If you are however intrigued by the Sheep fond of Practical Jokes, you will have to visit the library!

Herald contents [pdf]

1881 Census RG 11 4074

1901 Census RG13 3692

 Various Oldham Annual Reports

History. British Deaf-Mute and Deaf Chronicle, 1894, 3(35), 163-64.

Orders taken…

By H Dominic W Stiles, on 25 January 2013

Some homes for the deaf found extra – probably modest – income from work that they did. The back of this photo (possbly circa 1910) tells us that this was the (female) Deaf and Dumb home at Bath. This Home for Deaf Women at 9 and 10 Walcot Parade, Bath, was founded by a clergyman’s daughter in 1868, then later taken over by the NID in 1932 and moved to ‘Poolemead’ at Twerton-on-Avon, near Bath, in 1933. Action on Hearing Loss still runs homes there.  Click onto the image for a larger size.

Syphilis and Deafness – “A Tragic Case”

By H Dominic W Stiles, on 25 January 2013

Treponema pallidum is the bacterium that causes syphilis.  Until 1905 there was no effective treatment.  It is not always sexually transmitted and can be congenital as seems to be the case in the paragraph  below.  It can cause deafness, but whether the deafness in this example was a result of syphilis or from some other cause we cannot of course say.

In the memoirs of Fred Gilby we come across the following story (dated ca. 1889), entitled ‘A Tragic Case’;

Here I may tell […]about the saddest case I have ever come across, and I am now looking back over something like fifty years and more, – there was, in the Bow and Bromley Workhouse Infirmary a poor deaf and dumb woman, her husband was the same and they had deaf and dumb children – so far the case was distressing enough – – (we will not disclose the name.  It would be unkind to the children who are now living).  Then this poor creature began to develop syphilitic symptoms in the wrists and ankles, and one by one her arms and legs had to be amputated.  I remember that at the last she was reduced to catching a piece of slate pencil which dangled from above, between her teeth and then writing with it upon a slate – the slate of course had been fixed at a convenient angle.  We however could be understood by her easily enough through the sign language which she could see us using.  Her faith held out to the end.  The sins of her parents had indeed been visited upon her.  She was mercifully taken not long after.  R.I.P.  Quite an appreciable proportion of deaf people owe their affliction to the disease indicated. We veil it under the name of Hutchinsonian symptoms. If the reader wishes to pursue the subject further he should read Dr. Kerr Love’s Lectures on Deaf Mutism procurable from the National Institute for the Deaf.  I have come across some who refused to believe that this disease is ever inherited among the deaf.  A member of the committee of a school for the deaf in the north of England denied it with his heart, while the head master of the school quietly pointed out to me a score of such cases.

The ‘Hutchinsonian symptoms’ are named after Sir Jonathan Hutchinson. He “was the first to describe his triad of medical signs for congenital syphilis: notched incisor teeth, labyrinthine deafness and interstitial keratitis” (Wikipedia).  The discovery of penicillin greatly reduced the disease in the 1940s but the last decade has seen it begin to increase again. There is increasing concern in medical circles about the overuse of antibiotics which are our only effective tools against many diseases that are now becoming resistant through their wasteful or pointless overuse.

In his book The Diseases of the Ear, regarding hereditary syphilis, Toynbee says that deafness from that had at Guy’s Hospital

furnished more than one twentieth of the aural patients. […] The patients present the now familiar aspect of hereditary syphilis and have, in every case I have met with, suffered from impaired vision before the deafness has arisan.  This makes its appearance generally between the 10th and 16th year; about, but not precisely coinciding with, the perion of puberty.  The great majority of cases that I have seen have been in females.  […] I know of no other affection, except fever, which in a person under 20 brings on a deafness so prapid or nearly complete. (Toynbee, p.461)

Of course we are talking about “the poorer classes of the community” here (ibid).  He adds later, “In the wealthier ranks the symptoms are often much lkess marked” (p.462)!

[Post updated 24/11/2016 with Toynbee quotes]

F.W.G. Gilby, Seventy-two years among the deaf and dumb

Dr. Kerr Love,  Lectures on Deaf Mutism

Jospeh Toynbee, The Diseases of the Ear, their Nature, Diagnosis and Treatment. 1868 edition

Mary Ingle Wright, The pathology of  deafness, MUP 1971




John Taylor Lyon, Missioner to the Deaf in Stockton 1918-26

By H Dominic W Stiles, on 18 January 2013

John Taylor Lyon became missioner superintendent to the South Durham and Cleveland Mission to the Deaf and Dumb, in 1918.  Based in Stockton-on-Tees, he travelled widely in his area, trying to keep in touch with the local deaf people.  His brief obituary – more of a notice that he had died – gives us little information, but from online records I can say he was 57 when he died, so was born around 1869.  It says, “His conciliatory attitude and spiritual mindedness welded the Mission into one united family, while his never failing tact was always available for settling the slight differences of opinion which are inseparable from all organisations.”

I know he was married, and they had a son, Frank Taylor Lyon, and he was living at 9 West End Terrace, Yarm Road when he died, but I cannot find either of them in the online census record.  If you can, please do comment below.  There may be a record of him in the local mission’s annual reports, or in local archives, however we have hardly anything – only some account sheets from the 1950s.

He died on 1st December, 1926 after some years of ill-health.

Note: While looking for something else my eye was caught by the same name, a J.T. Lyon of Aberdeen, playing as a fullback for Scotland in the second Deaf football international between England and Scotland, on 2nd April 1892.  Is this the same person?  It is!  He was a pupil I have discovered, at Donaldson’s School (from information on our old index cards).  The game, which was played on the West Manchester football ground, had a remarkable 2,500 spectators. The game was 3-2 at half time, then despite fog they came out for the second half and England scored twice again then had a free kick which caused Lyon’s fellow fullback Moodie to storm off. He was persuaded to return and England went on to win 7-2.  Dissent on the sports field is clearly not new!

The Late Mr. J.T. Lyon. British Deaf Times 1927, vol 24 p.11

Updated & extended 15/9/2017 & 19/9

William Holder, 17th Century Teacher of the Deaf

By H Dominic W Stiles, on 18 January 2013

HOLDER, William (1616-98), was a Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral and Sub-Dean of the Chapel Royal. In 1659 Holder gained a reputation  for teaching Admiral Edward Popham’s only son, “being borne deaf and dumbe”, to speak. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1663 and contributed An experiment concerning deafness to its Philosophical Transactions in 1668. Holder gives a full account of his teaching methods in the appendix to his book Elements of speech published in 1669. John Aubrey’s Brief lives includes a biography of William Holder, with an account of his feud with John Wallis.

We have a copy of Holder’s book, illustrated below.

There is a talk available on line from the Royal Society on the dispute between Holder & Wallis http://royalsociety.org/events/2012/wallis-holder-dispute/

HOLDER, W. Elements of speech: an essay of inquiry into the natural production of letters: with an appendix concerning persons deaf & dumb. J. Martyn, 1669.

AUBERY, J. Aubrey’s Brief lives; edited by Oliver Lawson Dick. Penguin Books, 1962. pp. 238-240.

Christmas 1918 and Silent World, Christmas 1951

By H Dominic W Stiles, on 21 December 2012

Two pictures today in our last blog of the year…

Firstly, a postcard to the Rev. W. Raper from Selwyn Oxley with Deaf photographer George Brooks (with the moustache).

Secondly, from the cover of the N.I.D.’s Silent World for 1951… any suggestions as to the name of the artist?

Our special Christmas cover picture is by a well-known professional artist whose little deaf child has just started school and is now on the road to speech and understanding. She will accept no fee for her work. It is an expression of gratitude to the N.I.D. and of fellow feeling with all our readers. We, too, take this opportunity of saying

A Merry Christmas to You All


Photographs of Deaf Scouts in 1901 and 1921

By H Dominic W Stiles, on 14 December 2012

A few pictures for the post today, showing Deaf Scouts. Scouting & Guiding played an important role in giving young men and women from less well off families and urban areas a chance to experience the British countryside and acquire new skills and confidence. Many Deaf schools started scout troops in the early 19th century.

This must be the third Bishop of Burnley, Henry Henn, addressing Deaf scouts at Preston. This photo should therefore date to 1910-30. The Preston troop was the first Deaf scout troop, formed in September 1910.

This Second picture shows scouts at Box Hill, Surrey in 1921. This is the caption on the reverse

“The Duke of Grafton [?Clapton] our B.P. [Baden Powell?] Deaf Scouts 1921 summer camp held from June 25 till July 2nd at the Fort Box Hill Near Dorking in Surrey”. “In the woods.  Another version of Tarzan of the Apes”.

Then we have scouts saluting the flag; making a raft on the river Mole; finally “making a halt on the uphill climb back to camp after a visit to the river  and Dorking down below”. Click onto the photos for a clearer view. We also have photos of the West Ham Deaf Scouts, one of which I have now added.

If you have any information on these scout troops do let us know and we will add it.

T.Penlan Baker. Royal Cross School, Preston – Troop of

Deaf Scouts. British Deaf Times, 1911, 8 (88):73-77

Deaf People in the First World War

By H Dominic W Stiles, on 7 December 2012

When the First World War began, the editor of the British Deaf Times (BDT), Joseph Hepworth, discussed the war, and among other things what possiblities there might be for Deaf people to help with the war effort (Vol. 11 p.204-6).  There had been a suggestion in the North Mail that the army could form a Deaf regiment whose officer would command by signs or sword movement, but Hepworth rejects this idea.  What he does urge is that people support  the Prince of Wales’ National Relief Fund.  He warns those wo are deaf to avoid loitering by bridges, stations etc because they may be guarded and sentries will be likely to shoot if a person does not answer a challenge.  Indeed in the next issue of the magazine, Selwyn Oxley says “several deaf people have been shot through being unable to hear the challenges of the sentries” (British Deaf Times, Vol. 11, p.220).  A few pages on we find the following story, culled from The Times;

Charles Carroll, who at one time was an assistant to Mr Cody, the airman, was shot by a London Territorial sentry. He was examining an Aldershot railway bridge, and was challenged six times by the sentry before the latter fired.

Carroll, who is almost stone deaf, is seriously wounded.

In fact, Charles Carroll died of his wounds, and so became another casualty of war.  As an aside, Cody was a great pioneer of aviation who had died a year earlier in an aircraft crash.  Carroll’s sister Maude married Samuel Cody’s son, who was himself to die in an aircraft when he was shot down in 1917.  A later editorial (p.253-4) is not unsympathetic to the reasons for this action, pointing out that if the person remained unchallenged, the sentry himself might be shot.

We also read in the BDT of Harry Ward, a 27 year old ‘born deaf and dumb,’ taught at the Oral school in Cardiff, and at one time under Hepworth’s care (Hepworth was missioner at Glamorgan and Monmouthshire), who somehow passed the medical and joined up (as three brothers had), entering the Munster Fusiliers (BDT, vol Vol 11, p.231).   Hepworth reiterated his position that Deaf people should not serve in the frontline, but would be better used in various service roles such as boot-making, or as joiners (p.254).  Discussion about this was still going on in 1916, when R.T. Skinner, House Governor at Donaldson’s Hospital in Edinburgh, entered into correspondence with Lord Kitchener, saying that deaf young men were eager to “share the Empire’s work” (BDT, Vol. 13, p.24).  The Labour Supply Department of the Ministry of Munitions replied that no opportunity was at present available to make use of them.

By 1917 the need for manpower was increasing to the extent that the BDT led with an article translated from French about deaf munition workers in Boulogne.  The Royal School Magazine, the magazine for the Margate Deaf School, tells us in July 1916, that one former girl pupil Violet Penny was “‘doing her bit’ as a munitions worker.  By July 1918 the same magazine tells us three girls and four boys who left from 1910-17 were employed as munitions workers.

This photograph was probably one of the lantern slides Selwyn Oxley would show when he was doing mission work or speaking to a public meeting about deafness.  It was taken in Willesdan at the firm Arthur Lyon & Wrench Ltd.

NB I asked my informant about the armaments. He suggests that the two bombs by the table on the left look like Cooper bombs, “the 25lb jobs used by the RFC on small planes like the Camel”…”Cooper bombs tended to be for targets of opportunity, so for example Camels in 1918 carried them to supplement the trench strafing they were doing.”

You can read more about munitions workers here

Other references are from The British Deaf Times and The Royal School Magazine


Alexander Graham Bell – he invented the telephone, didn’t he?

By H Dominic W Stiles, on 30 November 2012

By Mina Krishnan

Alexander Graham Bell (3rd of March 1847–2nd of August 1922). Although there is still controversy over who really got there first and whether he did so independently, Alexander Graham Bell is certainly widely credited with having invented what we now recognise as the telephone, a device that turns sound into electricity then back into sound, for which he was granted a patent in 1876.

Although Bell was born in Edinburgh, his father moved the family to Canada when Bell was 23, following the death of his two brothers from tuberculosis.  Bell then moved to the U.S. shortly thereafter to start a teaching career.  His father and grandfather were both experts in elocution and his mother started to become deaf when he was 12, which had inspired him to study acoustics and the mechanics of speech.  In the 1870s he pioneered a system called visible speech, developed by his father, which was a system that indicated oral sounds by the use of written symbols; Bell used this to teach deaf-mute children to communicate with speech.

He worked with many people, for example on techniques for teaching speech to deaf people; his most famous student was Helen Keller, for whom he established a trust fund for her education at Radcliffe College.  An advocate of oralism, he set up a school to train teachers of the deaf.  Directly opposed to his view that communication by speech was what made humans truly human and that deaf people should communicate solely by speech and speech-reading/lip-reading, was Edward Gallaudet (son of Thomas, pioneering educator of deaf people).  A fervent proponent of manualism, Gallaudet embraced deafness, rather than seeking to eradicate it as Bell did.

Not only was Bell dead-set against the use of sign-language, especially in state-funded schools – seeing it as a foreign language that had no place in the U.S. education system – he was in fact one of the earliest modern supporters of the eugenics movement in the U.S, believing deaf people should be kept apart from each other so that they would not marry or produce children.

He published Upon the Formation of a Deaf Variety of the Human Race in 1884, warning that deaf people were creating an insular, inbred ‘deaf race’ and claimed that ‘the production of a defective race of human beings would be a great calamity to the world’ and that it was necessary to ‘examine carefully the causes that lead to the intermarriage of the deaf with the object of applying a remedy’.

He attended the first International Congress on Eugenics, held in London and presided over by Leonard Darwin – son of Charles – regarding hereditary deafness and the compulsory sterilisation of deaf people for the betterment of the human race; and he was the honorary president of the Second International Congress of Eugenics, held in New York.

He also gave evidence – relating to his research on the topic of the causes of congenital deafness – at the Royal Commission on the Blind, the Deaf and Dumb, stating for example that ‘hereditary pre-disposition’ was clearly responsible as over 50% of those he studied had ‘other members of their family deaf and dumb’ and that they should therefore not inter-marry or have children.

The library has a copy of the House of Commons parliamentary paper, Report of the Royal Commission on the Blind, the Deaf and Dumb.  This is also available in full from the House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (although the library’s hard copy is far easier to browse!):


In 1877 he married Mabel Gardiner Hubbard, who had been profoundly deaf from the age of about five following a serious illness.  They had two daughters, Elsie and Marian; they also had two sons who, tragically, died neonatally.  Mabel is considered to have had an immense influence on Bell’s work, having been of great inspiration and encouragement with regard to his commercial success.

The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf developed in 1956 out of the American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, which Bell had helped to organise in 1890, serving as its first president.  Its aim is to help with aspects of living with hearing loss such as early diagnosis in children and the provision of resources to parents who wish their children to learn speech and speech-reading/lip-reading in order to ‘thrive in mainstream society’.

Bell had other interests besides – he was also, to give just one example, very interested in botany even as a child and later was a founding member of the National Geographic Society.

Click onto the image below for a larger size.

Some items held in the RNID library:

Mackay, James A.  Sounds out of silence: a life of Alexander Graham Bell (1997)

and other books about Bell, including biographies

Winefield,  Richard, Never the twain shall meet: Bell, Gallaudet, and the communications debate, (1987) 

Volta Voices (1994 – present )

Volta Review (1910 – present; also from 1899 under the title The Association Review)

– journals of the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf

Government report:

House of Commons parliamentary paper, Report of the Royal Commission on the Blind, the Deaf and Dumb

Online resources available through the e-library:

Jamieson, James, Alexander Graham Bell: Eugenicist, Mankind Quarterly 2001.  42 (1), 65-76.

Greenwald , Brian H, The Real “Toll” of A. G. Bell: Lessons about Eugenics Sign Language Studies 2009.  9 (3).

Uncertainty over whether AGB was quite so anti-manualism:

The question of sign-language and the utility of signs in the instruction of the deaf: two papers by Alexander Graham Bell (1898). Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 2005 Spring;10(2):111-21.

(Freely available Via PubMed)

Freely available web resources:

There is plenty of controversy over who was the real inventor of the telephone:

Bell ‘did not invent telephone’ (German research scientist J. Philipp Reis did):


U.S. ruling that an Italian inventor (Meucci) did:


Or was it Elisha Gray?!


Just two of many biographies:



‘History through deaf eyes’ – Language & Identity, Gallaudet University:



What happened to deaf people during the Holocaust?

By H Dominic W Stiles, on 16 November 2012

By Mina Krishnan

Unsurprisingly, during the Nazi regime, thousands of deaf people were subjected to forced sterilisation in the expectation that disability could be eliminated in future Aryan generations, imprisoned in concentration camps and/or killed.  Some Nazi educationalists drew the rights of deaf children to an education into doubt, considering it wasteful to educate those they considered ‘inferior’.

  • Different figures are given by different sources, but it seems around 17,000 deaf Germans were sterilised between 1933 and 1945 and it is estimated that , in an effort to rid Germany of ‘useless eaters’ nearly 2,000 deaf children were killed by lethal injection or starvation in what were deemed to be ‘mercy killings’.  Newborns with physical defects, or who were believed to be physically or mentally disabled, were removed from their parents and taken to special children’s wards for this purpose.  Their parents were then told they had died of natural causes.  Forced abortions were also done on women suspected to be carrying a deaf or otherwise disabled foetus as late as six months into a pregnancy – this became legal there in 1935.

But did you know about individuals such as…

  •  Morris Field, who managed to conceal his deafness and thereby survive the war despite going through five concentration camps.
  • Otto Weidt, who was not deaf himself but who went to substantial efforts to save the lives of 165 deaf and blind Jewish workers during this time and who was arrested many times by the Gestapo as a result.  There is a small museum in Berlin dedicated to him.
  • Dr. Karl Brandt, Viktor Brack and Philipp Bouhler, who were the organisers and the head of Hitler’s T4 (‘euthanasia’ or eugenics) programme.
  • …and the collaboration with and support for the Nazi drive for eugenics and ‘cleansing’ by teachers of the deaf, who turned their pupils over to the authorities, such as Herbert Weinert, as well as Dr. Otto Schmäl and Hans Hild who, though initially opposed to such measures, later publicly changed their opinions in favour of ‘racial hygiene’ (see H. Biesold, Crying Hands, available in the RNID library).

As the BBC’s ‘Ouch!’ blog states, it’s worth noting that ‘Nazi Germany wasn’t the only regime to practise the forced sterilisation of disabled people, and it wasn’t even the first’.  In her book Pride Against Prejudice, Jenny Morris explains that, from 1907, many U.S. states ‘passed compulsory sterilisation laws covering people thought to have genetic illnesses or conditions’ and furthermore, before we get smugly self-righteous on this side of the pond, ‘European states that followed suit in the 1920s and 1930s included Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary and Turkey’.

And let’s not forget Winston Churchill’s views on eugenics

Examples of materials held at the RNID library:


Biesold, Crying Hands

Ryan & Schuchman (eds), Deaf People in Hitler’s Europe

Dunai, E.C., Surviving in Silence: a Deaf Boy in the Holocaust


New Research on Deaf Life During the Holocaust (Report) – Health & Medicine Week, 15/8/11, p. 1730 [online]

Gallaudet Today – winter 1987-88: coverage of In Der Nacht photo exhibit / stuff about Eugene Bergman (survivor of Warsaw ghetto)

Gallaudet Today – classic fall 1998: Deaf People in Hitler’s Europe

Deaf American – 1982: Eugene Bergman: deaf survivor – E. Beck. 35 (3)

Deaf American – 1983: Horst Biesold: helping the survivors – E. Gill. 35 (8)

Also of interest:

Deaf Heritage – J. Gannon

A Place of Their Own – J. Van Cleve

Deaf History Reader – as above

Freely available web resources:

BBC ‘Ouch!’ blog – FAQs on the Holocaust and disabled (in general) people:


Deaf Holocaust – was on See Hear but since removed:


See Hear (on the BBC) on the deaf holocaust:


Scholarly presentation – audio & transcripts:


A video interview with Charlotte Friedman:


Interview with Doris Fedrid:


Another video:


Panel presentation on Nazi persecution of deaf people (recording & transcript) – Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies – held at U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum:


Experience of the Deaf during the Holocaust – Renwand:


Gallaudet University:


Testimonies of Deaf Holocaust Survivors (in something called the Daily Gazette)


Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf:


Something else:


JDCC articles:

Interview with Deaf Holocaust survivor:


History of Deaf Holocaust Victims


Surviving the Holocaust series







On eugenics, more generally:



Overcoming the Past, Determining its Consequences and Finding Solutions for the Present – Proceedings of the 6th Deaf History International Conference 2006