Arthur MacDonald Cuttell -“He hoped that the day would come when the Union Jack… would fly over an open college door, where the deaf could secure higher education, which was their unquestionable right”
By H Dominic W Stiles, on 8 February 2019
Arthur MacDonald Cuttell, (1869-1904), was an editor of Ephphatha and then later of the British Deaf Mute. Born in Cornwall, son of the Rev. A.W. Cuttell of Margate, he became deaf through scarlet fever when he was nine. He was educated at Helston Grammar School, then later in Matlock, Derbyshire. He was apprenticed at the Crown Derby Works, where he became an artist decorating ceramics.
It was whilst at Derby Mr. Cuttell’s attention seems to have been drawn to work upon behalf of the deaf and dumb, and, leaving an artistic career, he entered the Derby Institution for the Deaf, and for a time worked as a teacher under Dr. Roe. He also undertook mission work amongst the adult deaf of Derby. Leaving Derby, he went to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and, during the illness of the Rev. W. W. Adamson, acted as missioner to the deaf of that city and district. In 1897 he was appointed missioner to the deaf of Leicester and county, and upon their behalf he laboured until his death. (Obituary)
In Gilby’s unpublished memoir, Cuttell gets two brief mentions. One might have expected more as they worked together as editors.
on July 9th, 1902, the Bishop of Barrow in Furness was with us at St. Saviour[‘]s Parsonage. “Us,” I imagine as being Rev. W.W. Adamson and the late A.M. Cuttell. We three were Editors of the Church Messenger and we being all in sympathy with the progress and proper carrying on our work on Church lines, took counsel together. The title of the “Council of Church Missioners” appears as such on that date. (Gilby, 172/15)
He married in September 1901, a hearing lady, Edith Violet Vaille, who was a Ripon born governess. She re-married in 1908, a few years after his death.
He was, his obituary says, “A man of many talents, and possessed of a bright and ready wit, he will be sorely missed by a very large circle of friends and acquaintances; especially severe is his loss to the deaf of Leicester and county, whose friend and missioner he had been for the past seven years.”
In the 1899 National association of Teachers of the Deaf Conference at Derby, Cuttell expressed his hope for future higher education for the deaf –
Mr. CUTTELL, whose remarks were read by Mr. Townsend, said that as he was not aware how far his voice would reach, he would borrow that of a friend. He appealed to the members of the Conference to do all that they could to secure the privileges of Higher Education for the Deaf. Those pupils who showed marked ability had, certainly, as much right to it as they had to their primary education. He hoped that the day would come when the Union Jack, as well as the Stars and Stripes, would fly over an open college door, where the deaf could secure higher education, which was their unquestionable right. (p.162, with adjacent photo)
The Late Arthur Macdonald Cuttell, BDT 1905 p.41-2
1899 National Association of Teachers of the Deaf, Proceedings of the Biennial Conference
Proposed Council of Ministers, BDT 1905 p.219
1901 Census – Class: RG13; Piece: 3004; Folio: 113; Page: 16