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Electronic Resources Blog


News and information about ejournals, databases and ebooks at UCL


Archive for the 'Ejournals announcements' Category

Cambridge University Press archives

By Catherine Sharp, on 18 October 2010

UCL now has access to two collections of archives from Cambridge University Press, one covering STM titles, the other Humanities and Social Sciences.

These archive collections have been purchased for UK higher education institutions by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC).  Additional collections will be made available in the future.

The STM collection contains older content of 65 titles, including Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Epidemiology and Infection, Geological Magazine and Visual Neuroscience.  The HSS collection, comprising 49 titles, includes the British Journal of Political Science, International & Comparative Law Quarterly and the Journal of African History.  All the titles and coverage have been added to the ejournals list.

Current Contents Connect

By Catherine Sharp, on 21 September 2010

UCL’s access to Current Contents Connect will cease at the end of September 2010.

Users will continue to have access to Zetoc, the British Library’s electronic table of contents of journals and conference proceedings, and to alerting services in indexing and abstracting databases.

Please contact your subject librarian if you have any questions about current awareness services, or about library resources generally.

Wiley linking errors

By Catherine Sharp, on 2 September 2010

Users trying to link via SFX from databases and reading lists to articles in Wiley-Blackwell journals may see the error screen below.

Wiley-Blackwell is attempting to resolve this problem, which is affecting many institutions.  In the meantime, if you see the error, either:

  1. click the link to “publications” on the error screen, search for the journal title and browse to the volume and issue you need, or
  2. link to the journal via the ejournals list and browse to the volume and issue

Apologies for the inconvenience.

SFX article recommendation service

By Catherine Sharp, on 19 August 2010

Following a successful trial, UCL has now launched a new article recommendation service, based on SFX.  This works in a similar way to Amazon’s “Customers who bought this item also bought…” suggestions.  It recommends articles that are similar to the one to which you’ve linked using SFX.

The recommendations are based on actual (anonymised) SFX usage data from SFX customers around the world, including UCL, and take account of articles viewed in the same session by significant numbers of users.  They offer another mechanism for finding articles on a topic, as a complement to systematic literature searches.

Guide to the SFX recommendation service.

Wiley-Blackwell backfiles

By Catherine Sharp, on 29 June 2010

UCL now has access to the complete collection of Wiley-Blackwell backfiles, comprising more than 800 titles.  The titles and coverage have been added to the ejournals list.  A wide range of subjects is covered; titles include:

Acta Crystallographica
Annals of Applied Biology
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology
Ground Water
Journal of Personality
Language Learning
Naval Engineers Journal
Polar Research
Special Care in Dentistry

SFX linking to Nature articles

By Catherine Sharp, on 30 April 2010

UCL and many other institutions are currently experiencing problems with linking via SFX to articles in journals published by Nature.  Linking to titles from the ejournals list is unaffected.

When trying to link from a bibliographic database like Web of Science, PubMed or Google Scholar to an article in a Nature journal, you may see the error message below.  If so, use the ejournals list to browse to the journal title.  Once on the journal site, navigate to the volume and issue that you need.

Nature is working on a solution to this problem.  In the meantime, apologies for any inconvenience.

Nature error message

NetLibrary access problems

By Catherine Sharp, on 4 December 2009

There are currently some problems with access to certain NetLibrary ebooks via the SFX links in the Library catalogue and in reading lists.  Library Services is working to resolve these problems.

There is no institutional login option on the NetLibrary site itself, but if you have difficulty accessing NetLibrary titles that are listed in the Library catalogue or in a reading list, please use one of the following routes instead:

  • Browse to NetLibrary in the databases list, then login when prompted and browse or search for the title you need (please note that UCL does not subscribe to all titles in NetLibrary)
  • Login to the WTS on the web service, then use any link (including SFX links in the Library catalogue and reading lists) to open the ebook you need

Apologies for any inconvenience.

SFX recommendation service

By Catherine Sharp, on 30 November 2009

UCL has a trial (until April 2010) of a new article recommendation service based on SFX.

The SFX recommendation service works in a similar way to Amazon’s “Customers who bought this item also bought…” service, but for journal articles.

During the trial, users will start to see recommendations appearing in some SFX menus that are based on searches (in databases, or in MetaLib) for articles.  The recommendations are derived from actual (anonymised) SFX usage data from SFX customers around the world, including UCL, and take account of articles viewed in the same session by significant numbers of users.  They offer another mechanism for researchers to find articles on their topic, as a complement to systematic literature searches.

For more information about the outcome of this trial, e-mail  ejournals@ucl.ac.uk or post a comment, below.

Off-site access to JSTOR

By Catherine Sharp, on 24 April 2009

Access to JSTOR from outside the UCL network is no longer available via Athens.  We have instead moved to a new login mechanism which will be in place for most resources from August 2009.  There are two options to access JSTOR off-site (please note that if you wish to login in to a personal account you have created on JSTOR, you must use the second option):

1.  Follow the link in the databases list (under “J” for JSTOR) or to individual journals from the ejournals list.  Enter your UCL userid and password when prompted.

2.  From the JSTOR homepage, click on Login at the top right of the screen (you might need to scroll across to find it.)  Scroll down to the bottom section.  Do not select the Athens login link.  Instead, in the section Access JSTOR through a participating institution, select UCL (University College London) from the list of institutions (see the example below.)  Enter your UCL userid and password when prompted.

JSTOR login

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MetaLib and SFX outage – rescheduled to Tuesday 6 January

By Catherine Sharp, on 15 December 2008

The MetaLib and SFX outage has been rescheduled to Tuesday 6 January.  These services will be unavailable for periods during that morning, and should be considered “at risk” throughout that day. This is due to an important service upgrade.

During the outage periods, a list of database links will be available at http://www.ucl.ac.uk/library/database.

Unfortunately, links to UCL’s e-journal subscriptions will be unavailable at times.  This includes links from the lists within MetaLib, from the eUCLid library catalogue and from SFX buttons in other databases.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.