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Expert opinion from IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society


Collaborative problem-solving and why it matters for learning

By Blog Editor, IOE Digital, on 21 November 2017

Rose Luckin. 
The results of the 2015 PISA collaborative problem solving assessments are published in Paris this morning.[1] I was delighted to read 
In Andreas Schleicher’s editorial, his confirmation that solving problems with others (collaborative problem-solving) is a key skill for the workplace, and its importance is only likely to grow as further automation takes place.  He urged educational systems to do better in helping their students to develop these skills.
The necessity to attend to the future needs of our students, including their ability to solve problems collaboratively, was also prevalent in discussions at a recent symposium for educators in Sydney about education in a changing world. The PISA report published today, whilst giving cause to celebrate the excellent performance from many students across the world, also gives cause for concern about the lack of high-level collaborative problem-solving skills amongst students from all countries, including those who performed the best. This is something that all societies need to address with some urgency.
Bearing in mind that the OECD assessment (more…)

A computing revolution? We'd all love to see the plan

By Blog Editor, IOE Digital, on 28 May 2012

Rose Luckin
The press has been buzzing with features and commentary on the challenges and opportunities of computing in schools. John Naughton in the Observer outlined a manifesto for teaching computer science in the 21st century, and Janet Murray in the Guardian celebrated the enthusiasm of a new generation of coders in schools.
So what has started this surge in interest? Education Secretary Michael Gove was partly responsible when he sent England’s “rusty” ICT curriculum to the scrapheap in his speech at the British Education and Training Technology (Bett) show, but he was fanning a flame that was already burning. Gove described ICT in schools as a “mess” and called for a new approach in which ICT would remain a compulsory subject at every stage of the curriculum, but without the existing Programme of Study.
Bill Gates turned up the juice to when he when he said it was more important for children to understand computer programming now than it had been in his youth. And Google chairman Eric Schmidt suggested that England had allowed its education system to ignore its “great heritage” and that we were now “paying the price for it”.
A range of influential reports also raise concerns about computing in school, for example: the Royal Society report ‘Computing in Schools: Shut down or restart?’; the Next Gen report by Livingston and Hope for Nesta; the Naace report entitled “The Importance of Technology”; and the Ofsted report on ICT in schools. There is clearly a consensus that some sort of change is needed, and an energy and enthusiasm to drive the necessary changes.
That however is where it gets complicated. Are we clear and agreed about exactly what is wrong with computer science and ICT in schools today? It is not all doom and gloom, and even Mr Gove recognises that “some ICT teaching in schools is already excellent”. What do we want learners to be able to achieve? Do we want to prepare students to take up a career in a computer related industry or to be able to use their technology in an intelligent manner and adapt it to meet their needs?
Right now a lot of attention is focused on making sure young people take part in computer programming. But It is the understanding and development of computational thinking that is fundamental to how we equip young people to mould their technology according to their own desires, rather than being moulded through their technology by the desires of others.
Computational thinking can revolutionise the way we think and the way we express what we think. The skills of computational thinking can be taught with or without computers, by exploring how processes work, looking for problems in everyday systems, examining patterns in data, and questioning evidence. The computer is what enables children to put their computational thinking into action.