Countdown to Moodle 4: Unfolding the New Dashboard
By Aurelie, Jason R Norton, Kerry and Eliot Hoving, on 26 June 2023
Welcome back to our latest blog update on the anticipated Moodle 4 upgrade. We’ve made significant progress and are excited to share with you the transformative features of the updated dashboard. But first, let’s catch up on our recent sprint updates.
Sprint Update and Progress
Our dedicated team has been diligently addressing numerous significant advancements:
- Theme Finalisation: We’re on the brink of finalising our theme, shaping a fresh and engaging user interface.
- Turnitin now in the Feedback block: We’ve upgraded the Feedback block to now include Turnitin feedback for students, making it more intuitive and efficient.
- Testing: Extensive testing within multiple environments and PHP unit testing is ensuring a stable and secure platform.
- Accessibility Review: In collaboration with the Digital Accessibility team, we’re undertaking a thorough accessibility review. This vital work aims to draft an accessibility statement for Moodle 4, outlining our compliance with accessibility guidelines and a roadmap for future enhancements.
- STACK Installation: The latest version of STACK engine (Quiz question type) has been installed for testing – it’s not deployed yet to the Moodle 4 Demo Preview.
- Security Upgrade: We performed a security upgrade on Moodle 3.11 (current UCL Moodle) to ensure the security and stability of our current platform in anticipation of the Moodle 4.2 upgrade.
- Training: We have completed the delivery of train-the-trainer sessions to 90 nominated members of staff. We have also updated content for the Moving To Moodle 4.2 self-paced course, as the theme is evolving.
Unveiling the New Dashboard
The dashboard has seen a significant transformation. Let’s explore what it has to offer:
For Students
- Alert Section: Stay informed about critical Moodle platform alerts, keeping you abreast of important updates, changes, or issues.
- ‘Pick up where you left off’ Block: This feature highlights your recently accessed courses and activities, allowing you to seamlessly resume your work.
- Deadlines Section: Stay on top of your tasks with this timeline of upcoming activities. Activities with a cut-off date will be prominently displayed on your timeline.
- Feedback Block: A feature aiming to gather all of a student’s assessment feedback in Moodle in one convenient place.
- News Block: Keep up to date with the latest UCL news with our streamlined News block.
For Staff
- Alert Section: Stay up to date with critical Moodle platform alerts.
- ‘Pick up where you left off’ Block: This feature displays your recently accessed courses and activities.
- News Block: Receive the latest UCL updates right on your dashboard.
- ‘My Courses’ in the Navigation Bar: Access a hub containing all your courses. Hide/show courses, favourite relevant ones, and filter by past, present, and future.
Feel free to explore these features and more in our Moodle 4 Demo Preview.
Getting in Touch
If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Digital Education team.
Stay tuned for our next update in a fortnight, where we’ll share more exciting news and progress on the Moodle 4 upgrade. Until then, happy moodling!
The Digital Learning Environments Team