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UCL Careers


Find Your Future


Ever thought about working for a smaller organisation?

By UCL Careers, on 21 February 2014

Smaller businesses can be a positive career choice for graduates.  Some of the benefits that emerged from recent research undertaken by The Careers Group’s Research Unit include the use of technology in recruitment practices and speedy, personalised responses to applicant, the provision of flexible and diverse training routes, absence of rigid graduate schemes and the pooling of training and development with other small and medium sized organisations.  Similarly, research carried out by GTI Media and Step found student respondents who had come into contact with smaller organisations almost unanimous in believing that smaller businesses were better at developing skills, personal development, early responsibility and giving graduates a chance to stand out at work.  So, think about keeping your career options open, investigate work experience or internships with smaller businesses and think about creative ways to find and target these organisations (UCL Careers can help with this).

Resource of the month – Best British tech startups (The Guardian) – interactive resource: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/interactive/2014/jan/12/silicon-roundabout-best-british-tech-startups