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UCL Careers


Find Your Future


8 Blogs written by Entrepreneurs worth checking out

By UCL Careers, on 31 July 2015

This post orginially appeared on the Develop Your Career blog

Starting up a business is hard work.  You don’t always have time to build up your network, attend events and find good sources for advice. Blogs can be a good source of current and relevant information, particularly those by founders writing from direct experience.

This is a quick round up of blogs written by start up founders.

  1. Kate Kendall

Kate Kendall is founder and CEO of The Fetch, a hub for professionals to find local events. Kate’s blog charts the ups and downs of starting a business as well as digital culture, marketing and publishing. She has also been named one of the top 30 digital influencers in 2012.

  1. Joel Gascoyne

Joel Gascoyne, co-founder and CEO at Buffer, blogs about the lessons he learned along the way while setting up his business.

  1. Seth Godin

Most well known as a marketing guru, Seth Godin’s blog is loaded with juicy content on marketing, http://sethgodin.typepad.com/

  1. Clive Rich

Need to hone negotiating skills? Clive Rich, a leading UK negotiator, offers tips and articles on all this negotiation.

  1. Natalie MacNeil

She Takes on the World is aimed at women moving out of the corporate world and into their own business and takes a compassionate and feminine approach to business.

  1. James Altucher

Interesting blog by a trader, investor, writer and entrepreneur exploring not just business, but how it crosses over into life.

  1. OneStartups

Darmesh Shah is a software entrepreneur and co-founder and CTO of HubSpot, a software platform for Internet Marketing.

On OneStartups, Darmesh blogs about what it takes to succeed as a software startup.

  1. Founder Notes

Finding it all in one place, Founder Notes, is a community of start up founders who post, share and discuss the best content.

by Joanie Magill from The Careers Group Entrepreneurship Group

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