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News, anecdotes and pictures from across science and engineering at UCL


The Hubble Space Telescope’s successor: UCL’s contribution

By Oli Usher, on 3 November 2014

JWST NIRSpec calibration assembly. Photo credit: UCL MSSL

JWST NIRSpec calibration assembly. Photo credit: UCL MSSL

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), currently under construction by NASA and ESA, will be the successor to the wildly successful Hubble Space Telescope. Unlike Hubble, which specialises primarily in observing the same light our eyes see (with limited ultraviolet and infrared capabilities), JWST is specially designed to observe in the infrared.

These wavelengths are interesting to scientists as they allow them to peer through thick dust clouds which scatter visible light, revealing areas of star birth and planetary systems forming. They also reveal the distant past of the cosmos, which has been redshifted out of the visible spectrum thanks to its extreme distance. Infrared observations are extremely challenging to do from the ground as most wavelengths of infrared are absorbed by the atmosphere.

(Hubble’s capabilities in visible light will be largely replaced by a new generation of ground-based observatories, such as the European Extremely Large Telescope.)

A vast project like JWST involves numerous institutions around the world – and among their number is UCL. UCL’s Mullard Space Science Laboratory is providing part of the NIRSpec (Near Infra-Red Spectrograph) instrument, which in turn is part of the European contribution to the telescope project. JWST will also be launched from a European Ariane rocket in 2018.

NIRSpec will break down the light into its component wavelengths, allowing for precise measurements of the motion and chemical makeup of stars and galaxies.

The Calibration Assembly, pictured here, built by UCL, ensures accurate observations by periodically testing the accuracy of the instrument’s colour measurements.


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Mapping the Apollo landing sites

By Oli Usher, on 29 September 2014

Lunar Orbiter Photographic DataApollo 11, which touched down in the Sea of Tranquility on 20 July 1969 was the first manned landing on the Moon. But prior to the human spaceflight project, NASA explored the Moon with robotic probes. One key element of this endeavour was the Lunar Orbiter programme, which included five spacecraft that mapped almost the entire lunar surface in 1966 and 1967. This was in part in order to identify landing sites for Apollo, but the missions also had broader scientific goals.

Shortly before the first manned landing, NASA published a catalogue of all their data from the Lunar Orbiter programme, entitled Lunar Orbiter Photographic Data. This features maps of the entire Moon, with the locations, sizes and shapes of all Lunar Orbiter photos marked on them, along with extensive technical information.

Today, missions like this work entirely online, but in those pre-internet days, the data had to exist in hard copy.

A copy of this book exists in UCL’s planetary science archives, the NASA Regional Planetary Imaging Facility. Among its pages is the mapping of the area Apollo 11 landed in, the Sea of Tranquility (Mare Tranquilitas here). This is located towards the right of this sheet, where the imaging (marked in red) is densest.

Lunar Orbiter V - Sea of Tranquility


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The LHCb experiment

By Oli Usher, on 22 September 2014

The LHCb experiment. Credit: CERN (licence)

The LHCb experiment. Credit: CERN (licence)

This week’s Picture of the Week is the LHCb (Large Hadron Collider beauty) experiment at CERN. Located in a cavern on the the French side of the Circle Line-sized cross-border particle accelerator, LHCb is as big as a house. The detector investigates why our universe is dominated by matter, rather than antimatter.

Prof Nick Brook, the newly appointed Dean of Mathematical & Physical Sciences at UCL, was the computing project leader on the LHCb experiment during the vital period leading up to first data taking. He joins joins a wide range of other CERN researchers based here.

Jon Butterworth, UCL’s head of physics, will give a public talk about his role at CERN and the discovery of the Higgs Boson on 15 October. Click here for more information.

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This picture may be reproduced providing you follow the conditions of the CERN licence.


Mapping the light of the cosmos

By Oli Usher, on 1 September 2014

This image shows one possible scenario for the distribution of light in the cosmos. Photo credit: Andrew Pontzen/Fabio Governato

This image shows one possible scenario for the distribution of light in the cosmos. Photo credit: Andrew Pontzen/Fabio Governato

Figuring out what the structure of the universe is surprisingly hard. Most of the matter that makes up the cosmos is totally dark, and much of what is left is in tiny, dim galaxies that are virtually impossible to detect.

This image shows a computer simulation of one possible scenario for the large-scale distribution of light sources in the universe. The details of how light (and hence galaxies and quasars) is distributed through the cosmos is still not a settled question – in particular, the relative contributions of (faint but numerous) galaxies and (bright but rare) quasars is unknown.

A faint dwarf galaxy

(New research from UCL cosmologists published last week shows how we should be able to find out soon.)

However, astronomers know that on the largest scales, the universe is structured as a vast web made up of filaments and clusters of galaxies, gas and dark matter separated by huge, dark voids. Observational astronomy is making strides forward in mapping out these structures in gas and light, but the smallest galaxies – less than a pixel across in the image above – might never be seen directly because they are simply too faint.

A Hubble image of a nearby faint dwarf galaxy (right) shows the challenge involved in observing these objects even when they are in our galaxy’s vicinity.

These computer models are one way of trying to extrapolate from what we know to what is really there. New research from UCL now shows how we can also use future observations of gas to find out more about this elusive population of tiny galaxies.

This simulated image shows the distribution of light in an area of space over 50 million light-years across. The simulation was created by Andrew Pontzen of UCL and Fabio Governato of the University of Washington.


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Photo album from the Dark Energy Survey

By Oli Usher, on 18 August 2014

The Dark Energy Survey, which has just begun its second year of observations, is gathering data about one of the most puzzling phenomena to be discovered in the past century: that the universe is not only expanding, but is doing so at an ever faster rate. Some as yet unknown force dubbed ‘dark energy’ is driving this acceleration.

Dark energy affects the appearance and evolution of the universe on very large scales. The Dark Energy Survey aims to find out more about this phenomenon by studying measuring four key cosmological probes:

  • The number of galaxy clusters;
  • The distances to faraway supernovae;
  • The bending of light by gravitational lensing;
  • and the pattern of the distribution of galaxy clusters across the universe.

Observing these requires sharp images that can detect very distant (and hence faint) objects, and so the the images collected by the Dark Energy Camera, the survey’s workhorse, are often quite stunning.

This image of the NGC 1398 galaxy was taken with the Dark Energy Camera. This galaxy lives in the Fornax cluster, roughly 65 million light-years from Earth. It is 135,000 light-years in diameter, just slightly larger than our own Milky Way galaxy, and contains more than a billion stars. Credit: Dark Energy Survey.

This image of the NGC 1398 galaxy was taken with the Dark Energy Camera. This galaxy lives in the Fornax cluster, roughly 65 million light-years from Earth. It is 135,000 light-years in diameter, just slightly larger than our own Milky Way galaxy, and contains more than a billion stars. Credit: Dark Energy Survey.

To mark the beginning of the second year of DES’s five-year observing run, the team have published a gallery of the most attractive images from the first year of operation, including the image of galaxy NGC 1398, pictured above. The complete the gallery is at the end of this post and in the faculty Flickr gallery.

UCL is deeply involved in DES, and Prof Ofer Lahav, Vice-Dean (Research) of Mathematical & Physical Sciences, is chair of the DES UK board and co-chair of the DES international science committee.

More information on UCL’s involvement in the DES science programme is available in an article on the UCL news pages.


Copyright: Dark Energy Survey photos are free to use providing they are credited to the Dark Energy Survey. Any queries on reuse should be sent to Fermilab Visual Media Services at vismedsr@fnal.gov.


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Dawn of the neutrinos

By Oli Usher, on 11 August 2014

In Fermilab, just outside of Chicago, an intense beam of neutrinos leaves a particle accelerator. Less than one hundredth of a second later, the neutrinos reach Northern Minnesota, over 700 kilometres away. Here, scientists and engineers are developing a number of large experiments to help them understand the properties of neutrinos – currently an area of considerable uncertainty in the world of physics.

One of these is a device known as CHIPS-M, pictured here at dawn on 1 August, just before it was deployed underwater in the flooded Wentworth-W mine pit in the background.

The CHIPS-M detector at dawn, on the day it was deployed in the flooded mine pit in the background. Photo courtesy Jerry Meier (University of Minnesota)

The CHIPS-M detector at dawn, on the day it was deployed in the flooded mine pit in the background. Photo courtesy Jerry Meier (University of Minnesota)

(This pit belongs to Cliffs Natural Resources who have kindly granted access and the land where the detector and control-shed are sitting has been provided by PolyMet Mining.)

This neutrino detector may look large (it is a 3.5m x3.5m cylinder), but it is in reality a small-scale prototype for a device which will be many times larger. The team developing the instrument is led by Prof Jennifer Thomas (UCL Physics & Astronomy).

Neutrinos barely interact with normal matter. Even though we know vast numbers of them pass through the Earth thanks to their production in nuclear reactions in the Sun, detecting even a single neutrino is extremely challenging, and larger detectors improve the odds of seeing one by increasing the amount of matter in their path.

Neutrino detectors can work in a number of ways. CHIPS-M works through detecting Cerenkov radiation which is produced in the water inside it. Like all methods of detecting neutrinos, it is indirect.

CHIPS-M consists of a large bag storing 50 tonnes of water, equipped with highly sensitive detectors, like the ones used in the IceCube Experiment in Antarctica,  that can pick up the tiniest flashes of Cerenkov radiation. When a muon-neutrino enters water, very occasionally, it will interact with the water and produce  a charged muon. Sometimes the muon-neutrinos oscillate into electron neutrinos and they can produce a charged electron. Both of these charged particles, if they have enough energy,  move through the water faster than light can. The electromagnetic wake these particles leave behind them is visible as a brief flash which can be picked up by the detectors.

In order to minimise false-detections caused by cosmic rays, energetic particles that come from space, CHIPS-M is placed 60 metres deep at the bottom of a flooded mine pit: the water above it shields it from some of this interference as indeed does the orientation of the photo-detectors inside the bag.


The CHIPS-M detector being lowered into the mine pit and filled with water. In the boat is UCL physicist Prof Jennifer Thomas. Photo courtesy Jerry Meier (University of Minnesota)

The CHIPS-M detector being lowered into the mine pit and filled with water. In the boat is UCL physicist Prof Jennifer Thomas. Photo courtesy Jerry Meier (University of Minnesota)

And yet despite this shielding, over the year-long experiment, it is estimated that it will detect around 170,000 cosmic rays and just 20 neutrinos. Any positive identification of neutrinos in this period is in reality just icing on the cake, though – the primary objective of CHIPS-M is as a test-rig for technologies that will be used in future, for instruments far larger and more sensitive than this.



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Do neutrinos have mass? Anatomy of a scientific debate

By Oli Usher, on 7 August 2014

Do neutrinos have mass? And if so, how much? This apparently simple question has no simple answer and has been the subject of debate, controversy and confusion in the world of physics in recent years.

Neutrinos are subatomic particles created during certain types of nuclear reactions, including those that power the Sun. Although the Sun churns out neutrinos in unimaginably large numbers – around 80 octillion (8 followed by 28 zeroes) pass through the Earth every second – they are very hard to detect. Totally unaffected by electromagnetism, they are invisible and pass through matter unimpeded. They only interact gravitationally and, on the scale of atomic nuclei, through the weak nuclear force.

The first detection of a neutrino in a bubble chamber, in 1970. Photo credit: Argonne National Laboratory (public domain)

The first detection of a neutrino in a bubble chamber, in 1970. Photo credit: Argonne National Laboratory (public domain)

The framework of theories scientists use to explain and describe the world of subatomic particles, known as the standard model of particle physics, predicts that neutrinos, like photons, should have no mass. However experimental studies detecting solar neutrinos in recent years contradict this, suggesting that neutrinos do have mass.

So when data shows that a key element of your theoretical framework is proved wrong, what do you do? You could assume that the data are incorrect, or the theory is wrong. The consensus among physicists is that the standard model of particle physics is incomplete – but identifying what is missing from it is a complex issue.

Cosmologists are currently trying to get to the bottom of this question, with sometimes quite radical solutions. Boris Leistedt and Hiranya Peiris, two UCL researchers, have recently ruled out one of these eye-catching theories. The question won’t be settled until new data from a range of physics and cosmology experiments comes in a few years time. (Among these is the Dark Energy Survey, in which UCL is closely involved.)

The Dark Energy Camera on the Blanco telescope in Chile will give new data on the structure and distribution of galaxy clusters in the universe. Photo credit: Reidar Hahn/Fermilab (All rights reserved)

The Dark Energy Camera on the Blanco telescope in Chile will give new data on the structure and distribution of galaxy clusters in the universe. Photo credit: Reidar Hahn/Fermilab (All rights reserved)

But even before the new evidence comes in, the debate surrounding these claims and counterclaims cast light on how scientific theories develop.


The evidence that neutrinos have small (but non-zero) mass is now quite compelling, and scientists are in broad agreement that the standard model needs to be modified or extended to fit this new data. But how much mass they have and how much our theories needs to evolve are still open questions.

Finding the neutrino’s mass isn’t simply of academic interest. The mass of the neutrino is intimately tied up not only with the evolution of the standard model, but with our understanding of key issues in cosmology including the formation of galaxies, the way galaxies are scattered through the universe and the behaviour of the Big Bang.

Some recent studies of cosmological data have made waves this year, proposing a relatively high mass for the neutrino (of around twice the mass of previous estimates). These studies suggested that apparent discrepancies between several large datasets (including temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background, the statistical distribution of galaxies through the universe, and X-ray detections of galaxy clusters) could be explained if neutrinos were heavier than previously assumed.

The Cosmic Microwave Background, as observed by the WMAP spacecraft, is one of the datasets that can be reconciled with each other if the neutrino has a large mass. Photo credit: NASA (public domain)

If the neutrino has a large mass, then several major datasets, including the Cosmic Microwave Background (above) can be reconciled with each other. But just because it is mathematically plausible doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. Photo credit: NASA (public domain)

Statistically, these studies are quite compelling as they manage to reconcile apparently incompatible data, as well as addressing the key problem of the standard model by ascribing a mass to the neutrino.

But the results, despite tidying up loose ends, have not met with everyone’s approval. In particular, the UCL team think the evidence for neutrinos having such high masses is specious. They have recently published their thoughts on the subject.

They look at this apparent evidence for high-mass neutrinos from two different angles:

  • First, if the neutrino is indeed heavy, what would that imply about the universe around us (and does it fit with what we see)?
  • Second, if it is not, what else could explain the discrepancies in the data?

On both fronts, they think the evidence points firmly at a significantly lighter neutrino, in line with previous estimates.


Assuming that neutrinos have a relatively large mass fits experimental datasets quite well, but, Leistedt and Peiris argue, it is disproved by looking at a broader range of evidence.

The large-scale structure of the universe is dominated by gravity, much of it caused by an exotic (and invisible) type of matter known as dark matter. This governs the distribution, size, shape and motion of galaxies on unimaginably large scales, helping galaxies form, and clustering them together.

This map shows the location of galaxies within about 250 million light years of the Milky Way. Even on this scale - a tiny proportion of the universe - they are clearly bunched together in clusters and filaments. Photo credit: Richard Powell (CC-BY-SA 2.5)

This map shows the location of galaxies within about 500 million light years of the Milky Way. Even on this scale – a tiny proportion of the universe – they are clearly bunched together in clusters and filaments. Photo credit: Richard Powell (CC-BY-SA 2.5)

A high mass for the neutrino would upset this balance, and in particular would inhibit the formation of galaxies like the one we live in, meaning there were fewer visible in the sky. It would also mean a less-structured universe on the scale of galaxy clusters and galaxy filaments. This is because very light neutrinos travel very quickly and pass through galaxies and clusters without any significant interaction, leaving them to form under the action of gravity. If neutrinos had higher mass (and hence lower velocities), they would interact far more, diffusing and scattering through galaxies and clusters, changing the way they collapse. In effect they would smear out the distribution of galaxies.

The distribution of galaxies through space seen by astronomers is extremely uneven, with filaments and sheets of galaxies surrounding huge voids, forming a vast cosmic web that fills the known universe. But the web is not consistent with what we would see if the neutrino had a high mass: structure would be washed out, voids would be larger, filaments thinner and galaxy clusters smaller.

Clustering of galaxies, as seen in this Hubble picture, would be much less pronounced if the neutrino had a large mass

Clustering of galaxies, as seen in this Hubble picture, would be much less pronounced if the neutrino had a large mass. Photo credit: NASA, ESA, HST Frontier Fields (public domain)

Moreover, the properties of the cosmic microwave background (the afterglow of the Big Bang) also undermine the idea of a high-mass neutrinos.

So, Peiris and Leistedt say, the models that propose a large mass for the neutrinos, which appear to fit the numbers quite well, turn out not to fit well at all with the individual data sets. The apparent agreement between them, they argue, is not much more than a statistical trick.

As an aside, some experiments have proposed higher-still masses for the neutrino, several times greater than even these controversial calculations. With neutrinos of that sort of mass, it is questionable whether galaxies would have been able to form at all and the universe would have been a dramatically different place.


Which brings us to the second question: if the discrepancies between different datasets can’t be explained by a heavier-than-expected neutrino, what does explain them?

Leistedt and Peiris think that this can be answered quite simply: actually most of the data broadly do agree with each other. It is the observations of how common galaxy clusters are in the universe which are out of line. And these are known to be the least robust of them all.

The unreliability, they argue, comes from multiple angles, including the difficulty of proving you have representative sets of galaxy data, the difficulty of knowing whether there is a selection bias in the data (e.g. large galaxy clusters being overrepresented), the difficulty of estimating cluster masses through gravitational lensing, and the extensive modelling involved which involves some degree of educated guesswork.

Gravitational lensing - the bending of the light from distant galaxies - can be used to estimate the mass of galaxy clusters (as the extent of the bending is directly proportional to the amount of mass present). Lensed light from distant galaxies is visible in this Hubble picture as streaks and arcs of light, most obviously the large diagonal streak of blue light in the right-hand side of the image. But it is fraught with difficulties. Photo credit: NASA, ESA, HST frontier fields (public domain)

Gravitational lensing – the bending of the light from distant galaxies – can be used to estimate the mass of galaxy clusters (as the extent of the bending is directly proportional to the amount of mass present). Lensed light from distant galaxies is visible in this closeup of the Hubble picture above as streaks and arcs of light, most obviously the large diagonal streak of bluish light in the right-hand side of the image. But it is fraught with difficulties. Photo credit: NASA, ESA, HST frontier fields (public domain)

Strip this unreliable data out, and it is far from obvious that there even is an anomaly that needs to be explained – and the previous, lighter estimates of neutrino mass look far more plausible once more.

A crucial test of this assumption will come with the Dark Energy Survey, which will bring with it far more robust data on galaxy clusters, alongside measurements of the distribution and gravitational lensing of galaxies, which will cross-check this data. This should, hopefully, settle the controversy. The survey’s five year observing run began last year, with early data expected late in 2015. This early data should be enough to settle the issue, ahead of the final data release in 2017.


On one hand, Peiris and Leistedt’s refutation of the neutrino having a large mass seems to bring us back to square one. We still don’t have a terribly clear idea of what the neutrino’s mass is. We still have a hole in the standard model, because even if it is small, the neutrino does have mass. And we have just contradicted some research that appeared to reconcile some of the available facts.

But the practice of science is often like this, with bold predictions, competing claims and imperfect evidence.

And we’re not – quite – back where we started: a plausible theory has been ruled out, we now have a clear hypothesis about why the data had discrepancies, and there will soon be, in the form of the Dark Energy Survey, a tool to test this hypothesis.

The rival teams, at least for now, are sticking by their guns. Leistedt and Peiris think the Dark Energy Survey will prove them right.

Time will tell.

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The ATLAS experiment at CERN

By Oli Usher, on 28 July 2014

A two-photon event captured in the ATLAS experiment at CERN. This is one of the experiments that analyse particles accelerated and collided in the Large Hadron Collider, and played a key role in the discovery of the Higgs Boson. Photo credit: CERN (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

A two-photon event captured in the ATLAS experiment at CERN. This is one of the experiments that analyse particles accelerated and collided in the Large Hadron Collider, and played a key role in the discovery of the Higgs Boson. Photo credit: CERN (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

Peter Higgs, who predicted the existence of the Higgs Boson in the 1960s, is usually associated with the University of Edinburgh, where he spent most of his career. But we want to claim just a little credit for ourselves: Higgs briefly worked as a lecturer in UCL’s Department of Mathematics in 1960 (four years before postulating the existence of the particle that bears his name), and was awarded an honorary degree by UCL in 2010 (three years before winning the Nobel Prize in Physics). Clearly there is a correlation.

A more concrete and less contrived contribution by UCL to the discovery of the Higgs Boson comes from UCL’s involvement in the ATLAS experiment at CERN. Along with the CMS experiment (also at CERN), ATLAS finally provided concrete experimental corroboration of the existence of the Higgs particle in 2012.

A rendering of an experiment using ATLAS provides this week’s UCL Science Picture of the Week.

Numerous UCL physicists have been involved with the ATLAS project over the  years, and when the collaboration’s paper setting out the evidence it had found for the Higgs Boson was published, 24 members of the Physics & Astronomy department were listed among the (many) authors on the paper.

Jon Butterworth, head of physics at UCL and a major participant in the ATLAS collaboration, will be hosting an evening of particle physics at UCL on 20 August 2014. Introducing the Large Hadron Collider, a virtual visit to CERN hosted by David Miller of Chicago University, a talk by TEDx speaker Lily Asquith about sonificiation of LHC data, and a Q&A session in which you can ask all your burning particle physics questions, the event is free and suitable for everyone from ages 12 up.


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CERN have made available thousands of pictures, videos and photos of their work that are well worth checking out, all of which are totally free for educational and informational use. They even have a collection of photos – including this one – which are available under Creative Commons licences, which have even fewer restrictions on their reuse.

Picture of the week: X-ray speckles

By Oli Usher, on 21 July 2014

Intensity landscape of x-ray speckles. Photo credit: I. Zanette (TUM).

Intensity landscape of x-ray speckles.

Counterintuitively, scrambling X-rays can help scientists make better X-ray images.

New research from an international collaboration including Pierre Thibault (UCL Physics & Astronomy) uses the random speckles of scrambled X-rays to produce improved images of objects when X-rays are passed through them.

The location and brightness of the speckles encodes information about the object being studied, allowing a detailed image to be reconstructed.

Today’s Picture of the Week shows the intensity (shown as the height and colour) and position of X-ray speckles detected in an experiment that was carried out as part of this research.

Photo credit: I. Zanette (TUM). This photo may be freely reproduced for the purposes of news reporting of this research, but it is not released under a Creative Commons licence.


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