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Centre for Advanced Research Computing


ARC is UCL's research, innovation and service centre for the tools, practices and systems that enable computational science and digital scholarship


Practice of Research Programming Event Series

By James P J Hetherington, on 16 October 2012

We are pleased to announce a Practice of Research Programming Event Series.

Across all research fields, the day-to-day work of many researchers now involves significant amounts of programming.

This series will provide a forum for these practitioners of computational science to share the techniques that underpin their work. Discussions will focus on generalizable methodologies, not scientific results.

Most sessions will take the form of traditional research seminars, where speakers present techniques they have used in their research. Speakers will give examples of using best practice or novel techniques to achieve better scientific outcomes from software construction and maintainance. We will also occasionally host hands-on “coding dojo” style events, hack days, and TED-style lightning talk sessions.

The first such event, open to all UCL staff and students, will be on Tuesday November 13th at 11am, in the B05 LT in the Chadwick building, where Dr Ben Waugh will speak about “Developing software to see the Higgs Boson”.

Feel free to display the poster below in your research group.

One Response to “Practice of Research Programming Event Series”

  • 1
    Miguel wrote on 17 October 2012:

    Awesome initiative! I look fw to hear more about others at UCL developing software to support their research.