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UCL Ear Institute & Action on Hearing Loss Libraries


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Photgraphic plate from Veysey

By H Dominic W Stiles, on 13 September 2013

Stoke negativeWe have a number of old glass photographic plates in the collection.  This one here is from the studio of Veysey who has featured in a previous post, and is of the Stoke School that has also been covered before.

The plate has two photographs, & has been annotated after processing with a red ink or paint.  You can read about the photographic plate process here.  The plate has a residue of the silver emulsion around the edges on the reverse side where the image formed.Stoke


Here is the reverse of the print, giving Veysey’s studio details.  Veysey later went into the Church of England as a vicar.Veysey Stoke

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