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UCL Ear Institute & Action on Hearing Loss Libraries


Information on the UCL Ear Institute & Action on Hearing Loss Libraries


Sign alphabet exhibition – The Invited Alphabet

By H Dominic W Stiles, on 2 August 2013

The invited alphabet; or, Address of A to B; containing his friendly proposal for the amusement and instruction of good children by R.R. London, B.Tabart, 1809.

Who the author, R.R. was, is unknown, despite speculation.

The invited alphabet describes a manual alphabet suitable for use by deaf children though not specifically aimed at them.  “The art of spelling on the fingers has been dignified by the name Dactylology.”

A said to b

3 Responses to “Sign alphabet exhibition – The Invited Alphabet”

  • 1
    Anni Cameron wrote on 8 November 2019:

    don’t suppose there is a full facimile of that book is there? It’s so sweet and I would love to use it when I’m reenacting (VIctorian middingly sort with dodgy hearing!)

  • 2
    H Dominic W Stiles wrote on 11 November 2019:

    The book is here – copy & original… There was a reproduction copy by the BDHS, but sadly I cannot see any copies available on their website.

  • 3
    Anni Cameron wrote on 13 November 2019:

    @Dominic, it’s cool that the book is there, but I’m not…. I was really, really hoping that there was either an electronic veriosn that I could print for myself or a repro copy I could buy!