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UCL Ear Institute & Action on Hearing Loss Libraries


Information on the UCL Ear Institute & Action on Hearing Loss Libraries


Sign alphabet exhibition – The manual alphabet card

By H Dominic W Stiles, on 5 July 2013

The manual alphabet (Irish, American, French &c). For the deaf and dumb. H. Ash London, 18? [The style of the card suggests a date in the late 19th Century, possibly ca 1887/8]

M Ash 2 001Harry Ash (1863-1934) was born in Bridgewater, Somerset.  He was deafened by scarlet fever aged 18 months.  His father was a railway coach-maker who moved to Swindon to find work.  Harry was sent to the London Asylum in the Old Kent Road when he was 11, later moving on to the Margate branch of the school.  He was for a time a designer at the Hogarth Works, Chiswick.

It is possible to follow something of his life by using the census and various documents published in his lifetime.

M Ash 1 001


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