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Electronic Resources Blog


News and information about ejournals, databases and ebooks at UCL


Archive for the 'Trials' Category

Trial access to Palestine: The British Mandate, 1917–1948 and Palestine: The Legal Background from Brill

By Sarah Gilmore, on 15 October 2024

UCL has trial access to Palestine: The British Mandate, 1917–1948 and Palestine: The Legal Background until 13th November 2024.

  • Palestine: The British Mandate, 1917–1948 offers a comprehensive range of primary sources on the history of Mandatory Palestine. It gives access to the principal memoranda, statements and reports published during the time of the British Mandate, from the Balfour Declaration of 1917 to the end of the Mandate in 1948. It includes the White Papers and reports relating to the Official Commissions sent to Palestine. Also included are the British reports to the Permanent Mandate Commission of the League of Nations, since Palestine was assigned to the League of Nations, Great Britain being the trustee. In addition, the collection contains sources pertaining to the social, demographic and economic development of Palestine.
  • Palestine: The Legal Background offers source materials on the legal position of the Israeli-Occupied Territories until 1984, including military orders and regulations issued by the Israeli Government. Additional sources, such as the Ottoman laws and the Palestine Gazette, have been added to offer a wider historical context.

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Trial access to Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text from EBSCO

By Sarah Gilmore, on 24 September 2024

UCL has trial access to Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text until 22nd October 2024.

Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text overs the spectrum of film and television studies, providing comprehensive collection of full text from scholarly and popular sources. In addition to the full-text journals, the database also includes Variety movie reviews dating back to 1914.

Content Includes:

  • More than 100 active full-text journals and magazines
  • More than 70 active full-text, peer-reviewed journals
  • More than 60 active full-text, peer-reviewed journals with no embargo
  • More than 65,000 images from the MPTV Image Archive

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UCL has trial access to Associations Unlimited database

By Sarah Gilmore, on 8 August 2024

UCL has trial access to the Associations Unlimited database from Gale until 10th September 2024.

The Associations Unlimited database comprises of access to:

  • Encyclopedia of Associations: International Organizations : covers multinational and national membership organizations from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe – including U.S.-based organizations with a binational or multinational membership.
  • Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S. : comprehensive source of detailed information concerning nonprofit American membership organizations of national scope. Covers more than 23,000 organizations in categories such as trade, business, and commercial; legal, governmental, public administration and many more
  • Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State and Local Organizations : provides comprehensive information on associations and societies that are organized and function at the regional (both interstate and intrastate), state, county, city, neighborhood, and local levels. Coverage includes all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
  • National Directory of Nonprofit Organizations : comprehensive guide to the growing nonprofit world designed for marketers, sales staff, and nonprofit professionals. Provides contact and basic factual information on the largest nonprofit organizations in the United States.

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Trial access to two collections of Hebrew ebooks and ejournals

By Anna Sansome, on 31 July 2024

UCL currently has trials running with two online services offering access to ebooks and ejournals in Hebrew. The trials are running until 31st August 2024.

PSIK provides access to over 4,500 Hebrew ebooks (including fiction and poetry) and 30+ magazines and journals from major Israeli publishers. As well as signing in via UCL, you will need to register with the platform to read the full text.

The Kotar Library provides access to Israeli-published academic works on topics ranging from Israel studies to Judaics, Jewish history, humanities, social sciences and more.

Please send feedback on this resource to your subject librarian.

UCL has trial access to PatSeer

By Sarah Gilmore, on 25 July 2024

UCL has trial access to PatSeer until 6th November 2024. This trial is for current UCL students and staff only and access is limited to 5 users at a time.

To access:

  • go to PatSeer
  • add your UCL email address to the username field in the login tab
  • you will then receive and authentication code via email.

PatSeer is an AI-driven Patent Search and Intelligence Platform which includes more than 165M patents across 108+ countries.

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UCL has trial access to ZEDHIA

By Sarah Gilmore, on 25 July 2024

UCL has trial access to ZEDHIA until 10th October 2024. Please note that access is restricted to 3 concurrent users.  For offsite access please first login to Desktop@UCL Anywhere or the UCL VPN

ZEDHIA features digitalized full text about the history of Central Europe’s business, economy and genealogy. The 28,543 volumes and 1.3 million pages of the publications comprised in ZEDHIA cover the history of Austrian business from 1789 until 2003.

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UCL has trial access to Muteferriqa : Ottoman Turkish Discovery Portal

By Sarah Gilmore, on 25 July 2024

UCL has trial access to Muteferriqa until 23rd August 2024. For offsite access please first login to Desktop@UCL Anywhere or the UCL VPN
Muteferriqa is a primary source research portal containing 7 million pages of Ottoman Turkish printed books and periodicals, on which you can search and read in Ottoman, Turkish, and English; and make visual discoveries as well through image search. It contains an exceptionally rich collection of printed materials published in the Ottoman Empire from the 18th to mid-20th century.
For more information: https://www.muteferriqa.com/en
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Trial access to The Social History Archive – including the Bookseller archive

By Sarah Gilmore, on 5 July 2024

UCL has trial access to The Social History Archive – including the Bookseller archive – until 20th September 2024. Access is via the UCL single sign on, using your UCL username and password.

The Social History Archive is the largest online archive of British and Irish records, providing access to 3.5 billion transcribed records and 375 million digitised scans of original records.

The archive features:

  • Largest online archive of British and Irish records.
  • Comprehensive collection of British and Irish census, military and crime records online.
  • In association with The National Archives, online access to the 1921 Census of England & Wales.
  • Over 30 million newspaper pages and 1,000 titles from the British Library’s holdings – this includes the full backfile of the Bookseller.

Please send feedback on this resource to your subject librarian

UCL has trial access to FSTA – Food Science and Technology Abstracts with Full Text (EBSCO)

By Sarah Gilmore, on 12 June 2024

UCL has trial access to FSTA – Food Science and Technology Abstracts with Full Text via EBSCO until 11th July 2024.

FSTA – Food Science and Technology Abstracts with Full Text is a specialized full-text database covering scientific and technological literature relating to food, beverages and nutrition, produced in collaboration with a team of experts within IFIS.

In addition to the core areas of food science, food technology and nutrition, FSTA with Full Text includes food-focused content across a host of related fields, including:

  • Biotechnology
  • Food safety
  • Omics technologies
  • Pet foods
  • Sport science
  • Sustainability

Please send feedback on this resource to your subject librarian.

Trial access to Codices Vossiani Latini Online

By Anna Sansome, on 8 May 2024

UCL has trial access to Codices Vossiani Latini Online until 31st May 2024.

Codices Vossiani Latini Online contains all 363 codices which form the world-famous Latin part of Isaac Vossius’ manuscript collection held at Leiden University Library. Isaac Vossius (1618-1689) was a classical philologist and collector of manuscripts, maps, atlases and printed works. The Codices Vossiani Latini comprises a large number of early medieval manuscripts and major sources of many classic texts, including the oldest sources of Lucretius’ De natura rerum and of Cicero’s philosophical works. The manuscript collection is enriched by detailed information drawn from by K. A. de Meyier’s catalogues of the codices, providing essential information on the content, context, and physical appearance of each codex.

Please send feedback on this resource to your subject librarian