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Archive for the 'Trials – current' Category

Trial access to Entrepreneurial Studies Source

By Sarah Gilmore, on 21 March 2025

UCL has trial access to Entrepreneurial Studies Source by EBSCO until 18th April 2025.

Entrepreneurial Studies Source is a full-text database covering the latest insights in entrepreneurship and small business ownership. It offers hundreds of full-text journals and books, plus company profiles and videos.

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Trial access to Africa Commons

By Sarah Gilmore, on 4 March 2025

UCL has trial access to Africa Commons until 31st March 2025.

Africa Commons is a project from Coherent to digitize, disseminate, and discover African cultural materials. The database consists of five collections:

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Trial access to The Japan Times Digital Archive

By Sarah Gilmore, on 28 February 2025

UCL has trial access to The Japan Times Digital Archive until 31st March 2025.

The Japan Times Digital Archive contains every published issue, from March 1897 to present (approx. 500,000 pages), including special supplements going back to the 1890s.

The Japan Times was launched on March 22, 1897 during the Meiji era. This was a time when Japanese society experienced political, social, and industrial revolution, from being an isolated feudal society to emerging as a great power on the world stage. Fundamental changes took place, to social structures, internal politics, economy, military, and foreign relations. The Japan Times has offered a unique point-of-view, different from other Japanese language newspapers, since its first issue. This is a rare resource of English language media during the Meiji and Taishō eras.

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Trial access to ProQuest Entrepreneurship Collection

By Sarah Gilmore, on 26 February 2025

UCL has trial access to ProQuest Entrepreneurship Collection until 28th March 2025.

The Entrepreneurship Collection provides access to key scholarship, tools, and resources to help entrepreneurs and students navigate the complex world of small business. It contains a diverse collection of resources including journals, industry reports, video clips, “how to” books, templated forms, business plan samples, and more from top publishers.

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Trial access to BBC Monitoring: Summary of World Broadcasts, Essential Global Media, 1939-2001

By Sarah Gilmore, on 21 February 2025

UCL has trial access to BBC Monitoring: Summary of World Broadcasts, Essential Global Media, 1939-2001 until 19th March 2025.

BBC Monitoring was founded in 1939 at the start of WWII. Its purpose was to listen to radio broadcasts and gather open-source intelligence to help Britain and its allies understand global dynamics and assess emerging global threats. Over the next 60 years, the scope of its monitoring grew quickly. Trained specialists transcribed broadcasts of speeches, current affairs, political discussions, and social and cultural events worldwide. Transcripts, in turn, were translated into English, then read by experts who carefully selected critical content for publication. Finally, selections were summarized and curated into daily reports that comprise the Summary of World Broadcasts. These original daily reports often included commentary and evaluation by subject matter experts, as well as synopses and specialist briefings.

UCL’s trial access covers Series 1-4, 1939 to 2001.

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Trial access to Policy Commons Complete Suite

By Sarah Gilmore, on 4 February 2025

UCL has trial access to Policy Commons Complete until 31st March 2025.

Policy Commons is a discovery, access and preservation service for informally published policy content from IGOs, NGOs and think tanks. The full suite of modules consists of:

  • Oceania : The complete policy picture for Oceania. The only comprehensive grey literature database in the region, with the benefit of preservation
  • Public Health and Social Care : Bringing together research, pilot projects, real-world evaluations, newsletters, and collaborative projects from frontline health providers, hospital systems, foundations, patient groups, practitioner communities, governments, think tanks, and other organizations produce
  • North American City Reports : Over 1.5 million pages of in-depth surveys, reports, and research from more than six hundred North American cities and urban agencies
  • World Cities and Local Governments
  • Global Think Tanks : The largest database for public policy, covering reports, working papers, policy briefs, data sources, and media drawn from a directory of IGOs, NGOs, and research centers. Please note that UCL users already have subscribed access to this module
  • World Governments : Millions of essential research documents from more than 150 governments around the world, enriched and integrated on a single platform
  • World Cities : Cities are on the front lines of today’s most pressing challenges and their publications document the ground truth

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Trial access to the El Comercio Digital Archive (East View)

By Sarah Gilmore, on 4 February 2025

UCL has trial access to the El Comercio Digital Archive until 23rd March 2025.

El Comercio Digital Archive was founded in 1839 and is the longest-running newspaper in Peru and one of the oldest Spanish-language newspapers in the world. It is considered Peru’s newspaper of record and is one of the most influential newspapers in South America—with a circulation of over 100,000.

Please send feedback on this resource to your subject librarian