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Electronic Resources Blog


News and information about ejournals, databases and ebooks at UCL


Archive for the 'New databases' Category

Mass Observation Online and Slavery, Abolition & Social Justice

By Sarah Gilmore, on 9 June 2016

UCL has purchased access to Mass Observation Online and Slavery, Abolition & Social Justice from Adam Matthew Digital

Mass Observation Online : offering access to archives for the study of Social History in the modern era. Explore original manuscript and typescript papers created and collected by the Mass Observation organisation, as well as printed publications, photographs and interactive features. The archive was developed to create an ‘anthropology of ourselves’ and study the everyday lives of ordinary people in Britain.

Slavery, Abolition & Social Justice : bringing together primary source documents from archives and libraries across the Atlantic world, this resource includes unique material relating to the complex subjects of slavery, abolition and social justice.


Online access to Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy now available

By Sarah Gilmore, on 4 September 2015

UCL now has online access to Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy.

Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy contains nearly 330 videos of real human anatomic specimens in their natural colours. Specimens retain the colour, texture, and mobility of the living body.

Please send feedback on this resource to your subject librarian.


Online access to Loeb Classical Library now available

By Anna Sansome, on 4 August 2015

UCL now has online access to the Loeb Classical Library. The online version of Loeb Classical Library contains all the volumes in the series of Greek and Latin up-to-date texts with parallel English translations published since 1911. Fully searchable, there will be twice-yearly additions to this virtual library of all that is important in classical literature.

We are working on adding catalogue records to Explore for each of the online volumes. In the meantime, you can find the resource in our A-Z list of databases.

Please send feedback on this resource to your subject librarian.

Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics now available

By Anunciata Rodriguez, on 13 May 2015

UCL now has access to the Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics.

The Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics brings together the latest research from across a range of disciplines which contribute to our knowledge of Ancient Greek. With over 500 entries on all aspects of Ancient Greek, it is a comprehensive research tool for scholars and students of Greek, of Linguistics, and of other Indo-European languages, as well as of Biblical literature.

Features and benefits include:

-Full text search and advanced search options
-Extensive cross-references and navigation via hyperlinks
-Articles covering a wide-range of topics such as the Greek of various sources (texts, manuscripts, inscriptions, reading traditions), major grammatical features (phonology, morphology, and syntax), lexicon, script and paleography, theoretical linguistic approaches, etc.
-All Greek transcribed

If you have any questions about using this resource, please contact your subject librarian.

The Encyclopedia of Ancient History now available

By Anunciata Rodriguez, on 12 May 2015

UCL now has access to The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, a comprehensive collection of twenty-first century scholarship available on the entire ancient Mediterranean world.

The Encyclopedia of Ancient History includes over 5,000 original entries spanning the late Bronze Age through the seventh century CE, which extend to all Mediterranean civilizations including the Near East and Egypt, and represent an unprecedented level of coverage of the ancient world.

The Encyclopedia of Ancient History updates twice annually and in June 2015 it will update with approximately 100 new articles. Over the next several years, its coverage will expand to include parts of Ancient Asia and Africa.

If you have any questions about using this resource, please contact your subject librarian.

Full access to Periodicals Archive Online (PAO)

By Sarah Gilmore, on 24 April 2015

UCL now has access to all content within Periodicals Archive Online (PAO).

PAO includes the full text of over 750 historically respected journals in the humanities and social sciences. Content is available from volume 1, issue 1, published from 1802 to 2005, across 37 different disciplines, from over 30 countries and in more than 25 languages.

Please send feedback on this resource to your subject librarian.

UCL now has access to PharmaPendium

By Sarah Gilmore, on 23 April 2015

UCL now has access to PharmaPendium.

PharmaPendium is the only research solution that brings together excerpted pre-clinical, clinical and post-release safety data in a single longitudinal database and offers regulatory context with 2.2 million searchable pages of FDA approval packages. This extensive drug discovery content also includes EMA EPARs, historical data and unique pre-clinical study information that have not been published anywhere else to help support critical drug safety decisions.

Please send feedback on this resource to your subject librarian.

The Complete Prose of T.S. Eliot

By Sarah Gilmore, on 28 October 2014

UCL now has access to The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot.

The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot gathers in one place the collected, uncollected, and unpublished prose of T. S. Eliot – including essays, reviews, lectures, commentaries from The Criterion, and letters to editors.

It features more than 700 uncollected and 150 unpublished pieces from 1905 to 1965. The volumes will be released in sequence and published on Project MUSE.

Please send feedback on this resource to your subject librarian.

BFI InView

By Sarah Gilmore, on 9 October 2014

UCL now has access to BFI InView

BFI InView is an audio-visual database covering over 2,000 non-fiction film and television titles from the 20th century to the early 21st. InView is easily searchable, and clearly organised under six main Themes, each with an introductory essay by an academic historian.

The themes are:

  • Education
  • UK Industry & Economy
  • Health
  • Law & Order
  • Environment
  • Immigration, Race and Equality

Please send feedback on this resource to your subject librarian.

Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina and Thesaurus Linguae Latinae

By Sarah Gilmore, on 12 September 2014

UCL now has access to Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina and Thesaurus Linguae Latinae

  • Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina provides access to all editions of Latin texts published in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana, ranging from antiquity and late antiquity to medieval and neo-Latin texts.
  • Thesaurus Linguae Latinae is a comprehensive, ongoing scholarly dictionary of ancient Latin from the earliest times through AD 600. The content of TTL online is identical to that of the printed version of the Thesaurus. Each year the contents of the newly printed fascicles will be added to the database.

If you have any questions about using these databases, please contact your subject librarian