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Electronic Resources Blog


News and information about ejournals, databases and ebooks at UCL


Archive for the 'Ebooks' Category

Trial access to Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Science (Elsevier)

By Sarah Gilmore, on 19 October 2017

UCL has trial access to Elsevier’s Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Science until September 2018.

Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Science is a subject-focused collection of current encyclopedic and comprehensive articles from Elsevier’s world-leading Major Reference Works, combined with new and exclusively-written articles within the discipline to create one online, authoritative information source hosted on ScienceDirect.

During the trial to the Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Science UCL now has access to the following titles:

Climate Vulnerability

Comprehensive Biotechnology, 2nd Edition

Comprehensive Renewable Energy

Comprehensive Water Quality and Purification

Encyclopedia of Ecology

Encyclopedia of Energy

Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics

Encyclopedia of Geology

Encyclopedia of Inland Waters

Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, 2nd Edition

Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science , 2nd Edition

Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment

Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science

Treatise on Geomorphology

Treatise on Geophysics, 2nd Edition

Treatise on Water Science

Treatise on Geochemistry, 2nd Edition

Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, 2nd Edition

Please send feedback on this resource to your subject librarian.

E-books on demand@UCL Cambridge University Press continues in 2017-18

By Anna Sansome, on 28 September 2017

Popular E-books on demand@UCL project to continue in 2017-18 academic year

During the 2016-17 academic year, UCL Library Services offered access to more than 21,000 extra Cambridge University Press e-books as part of E-books on demand@UCL. This access has been so popular with UCL staff and students – nearly 300,000 chapters accessed – that we will be continuing it through 2017-18. And of course, more new e-books will be added as they are published throughout the year!

We are busy behind the scenes analysing the usage to decide which titles to add to the collection permanently but all you need to do is keep reading. If you have any feedback about the project, do let your Subject Librarian know.

E-books on demand@UCL projects are designed to involve UCL staff and students in the selection of e-book content. Since the projects started in 2014, UCL users have been able to read and download thousands of extra e-books across a wide range of subjects and over 7000 e-books have been purchased as a result. Go to our Ebooks on demand@UCL webpage to find out more about the various projects.

Changes to downloading e-books from Dawsonera

By Anna Sansome, on 7 September 2017

The process for downloading e-books from Dawsonera is changing. You may have already noticed this for some Dawsonera e-books and it will apply to all Dawsonera e-books by 31st October 2017.

When the change is made, you will need either a computer with the free Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) software installed or an app or device that supports ADE to download from Dawsonera. This is the same as the requirements for downloading e-books from Ebook Central (previously EBL) and EBSCO so you may well already have the necessary arrangements in place.

To download to a desktop or laptop computer, you will need the free Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) software installed on your machine.

To download to an iOS or Android device, you will need the free BlueFire Reader app which is available from the Apple and Google stores.

Some e-readers also support ADE – see the list of devices that support ADE on the Adobe website.

To download e-books:

  • Create an Adobe ID if you don’t already have one. Go to the Adobe website, click SIGN IN then “get an Adobe ID”.
  • Download ADE or the BlueFire Reader app.
  • Authorise ADE or the BlueFire Reader app with your Adobe ID.
  • Access the e-book on Dawsonera via Explore and choose to download to either Adobe Digital Editions or Bluefire Reader as appropriate.
    • You can authorise up to 6 computers / devices with your Adobe ID. Authorising your computers / devices with the same Adobe ID means that an e-book you download to one will be available to you on the others.

      Although you may find ADE is available on UCL machines / via Desktop@UCL Anywhere, we would advise using the read online option if you are not using your own computer / device. The download is tied to a specific computer / device unless you authorise that device with your Adobe ID – you cannot simply save the download to your N / S drive and access it elsewhere – and authorising computers you may never use again may not be the best use of your 6 device limit.

      E-books on demand@UCL now offering Institution of Civil Engineers e-books

      By Anna Sansome, on 5 December 2016

      1400+ Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) e-books available until 31st October 2017 – read the e-books you want and UCL Library Services will buy the most popular.

      Until 31st October 2017, UCL staff and students have access to the ICE e-book collection, which covers all major disciplines in the field of civil engineering. You can find these additional e-books via Explore.

      This is the latest of our E-books on demand@UCL projects, which are designed to involve UCL staff and students in the selection of e-book content. Since the projects started in 2014, UCL users have been able to read and download thousands of extra e-books across a wide range of subjects and over 4,000 e-books have been purchased as a result. Go to our Ebooks on demand@UCL webpage to find out more about the various projects.

      E-books on demand@UCL via JSTOR is back!

      By Anna Sansome, on 30 September 2016

      30,000+ e-books available via JSTOR for a limited period – read the e-books you want and UCL Library Services will buy the most popular.

      UCL Library Services are once again offering staff and students access to a large part of the JSTOR e-book collection. You can now read over 30,000 e-books via JSTOR across a range of subjects and we will buy the most-used titles to add to our e-book collection. The access will end once the money we have deposited has been spent – we’ll keep you notified with updates via this blog. We are working to get the records loaded as soon as possible so that you can find these additional e-books via Explore but in the meantime, you can go directly to JSTOR.

      This is one of a series of projects that UCL Library Services is running to directly involve users in the acquisition of e-book content. Go to our Ebooks on demand@UCL webpage to find out more about the various projects.

      E-books on demand@UCL continues in 2016-17

      By Anna Sansome, on 24 August 2016

      Popular E-books on demand@UCL projects to continue in 2016-17 academic year

      During the 2015-16 academic year, UCL Library Services offered access to more than 38,000 extra e-books through Cambridge Books Online and Wiley Online Library as part of E-books on demand@UCL. This access has been so popular with UCL staff and students – over 260,000 chapter accesses – that we will be continuing it through 2016-17. And of course, more new e-books will be added as they are published throughout the year!

      E-books on demand@UCL projects are designed to involve UCL staff and students in the selection of e-book content. Since the projects started in 2014, UCL users have been able to read and download thousands of extra e-books across a wide range of subjects and over 2000 e-books have been purchased as a result. Go to our Ebooks on demand@UCL webpage to find out more about the various projects.

      Online access to Advances in Experimental Social Psychology extended back to 1964

      By Anna Sansome, on 4 August 2016

      UCL’s online access to Advances in Experimental Social Psychology has now been extended back to Volume 1, 1964.

      UCL now has access to CogNet

      By Anna Sansome, on 30 June 2016

      Following a trial earlier in the year, UCL has now taken out a subscription to CogNet

      Aiming to be a key research tool in the Brain and Cognitive Sciences, CogNet provides access to over 700 books published by the MIT Press. New books are added on an ongoing basis and CogNet also offers the complete text of some of MIT’s major cognitive science reference works such as Gazzaniga and Mangun’s The cognitive neurosciences

      E-books on demand@UCL now offering Cambridge University Press e-books

      By Anna Sansome, on 1 September 2015

      19,000+ Cambridge University Press e-books available until 31st August 2016 – read the e-books you want and UCL Library Services will buy the most popular.

      For the next 12 months (1st September 2015 – 31st August 2016) UCL staff and students will have access to over 19,000 e-books published by Cambridge University Press via the Cambridge Books Online website. We will shortly be loading catalogue records so that you can find these additional e-books via Explore.

      This is the latest of our E-books on demand@UCL projects, which are designed to involve UCL staff and students in the selection of e-book content. Since the projects started in 2014, UCL users have been able to read and download thousands of extra e-books across a wide range of subjects and nearly a 1000 e-books have been purchased as a result. Go to our Ebooks on demand@UCL webpage to find out more about the various projects.

      Online access to Loeb Classical Library now available

      By Anna Sansome, on 4 August 2015

      UCL now has online access to the Loeb Classical Library. The online version of Loeb Classical Library contains all the volumes in the series of Greek and Latin up-to-date texts with parallel English translations published since 1911. Fully searchable, there will be twice-yearly additions to this virtual library of all that is important in classical literature.

      We are working on adding catalogue records to Explore for each of the online volumes. In the meantime, you can find the resource in our A-Z list of databases.

      Please send feedback on this resource to your subject librarian.