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Electronic Resources Blog


News and information about ejournals, databases and ebooks at UCL


E-resources with temporary access during COVID-19

By Sarah Gilmore, on 27 March 2020

During the current COVID-19 pandemic many publishers have opened up their collections and extended their access to e-resources to support remote learning and working. Please see the list of  E-Resources with temporary access during COVID-19 which are available either to UCL students and staff or to all. Please note that this is a working list and is being added to as access to the resources is enabled.

5 Responses to “E-resources with temporary access during COVID-19”

  • 1
    pradip wrote on 27 March 2020:

    its indeed a great offer for readers

  • 2
    Georgios Diapoulis wrote on 5 April 2020:

    Dear sir/madame,

    do you provide access to non-UCL people?

    Kind regards

  • 3
    Sarah Gilmore wrote on 7 April 2020:

    Dear Georgios, many thanks for your message. There are some resources on the list which are available to non-UCL people. Each resource description includes the text either “Free access for UCL students and staff until….” or “Free access for all until …”. Any resource with the description “Free access for all” are Open access titles and can be utilised by anyone. Best wishes, Sarah

  • 4
    Caitlin wrote on 25 June 2020:

    Is there any way for students to request/suggest resourses that they need to access. There is a book I need which UCL has a physical copy of but because I am a taught postgrad student I can’t access the physical copy and it is too expensive for me to buy.


  • 5
    Sarah Gilmore wrote on 1 July 2020:

    Dear Caitlin, many thanks for your message. Please email lib-eresource-help@ucl.ac.uk with details of the book you are interested in. We will try and provide access for you if possible. Best wishes.

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