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IOE Blog


Expert opinion from IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society


Are 16-year-olds prepared for politics? Or are they over-protected from controversy and debate?

By Blog Editor, IOE Digital, on 14 November 2019

Alex Standish.

Increasingly, children and young people are stepping into political arenas that have been considered the realm of adults. In an insecure world, they are campaigning for their own lives and futures.

In the UK this year, students joined school ‘strikes’, taking to the streets to demand that more be done to tackle climate change. In the USA children and young people took a lead in the March For Our Lives protests in response to gun violence and school shootings.

More children are being invited to contribute their opinions on television and radio programmes. Greta Thunberg’s addresses to Westminster and the UN are a case in point. And, of course, social media has made it easier for young people to join in debate and to organise.
