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UCL Careers


Find Your Future


Fallen out of love with your course?

By UCL Careers, on 18 November 2014

Broken Heart by Lunabee (Flickr)

Broken Heart by Lunabee (Flickr)

Going to university, making new friends, studying something you love, is a very exciting phase in many people’s lives. But sometimes the excitement fades and students discover that they are not as in love with their course as they imagined they would be. If this happens early, it may be possible to swap onto another course or move from joint to single honours. But what if you are a year or two into the course and the only option, unless you want to drop out completely, is to stick with it? How can you get through the final year or so?

Here are some ‘survival’ tips:

  1. Talk to your tutor – if your course is modular, is it possible to swap one of your modules for one where the content is more interesting to you? This might mean that you give yourself some additional work catching up, so you would have to weigh up the pros and cons of this option. You would also want to make sure that the new module is more suitable for you, so talk to staff in the department or students who have taken the module beforehand. However, you might find that a small change, such as one module makes a big difference to how you feel.
  2. If your course includes a dissertation or final year project, find out if you can tailor this to something that you would enjoy. Or can it be linked to your future career ideas? This would look great on your CV and it may help you to feel that you are doing something that has wider meaning to you.
  3. If you are finding the work too hard, again, you should talk to your tutor to see if there is additional support that you could get. It may be that you could be given additional help by the relevant lecturer or maybe a mentor. Some universities employ PhD students to mentor undergraduates. You won’t be the first person to have asked, so don’t feel embarrassed – your tutor will probably be pleased that you are proactively doing something about your situation.
  4. Can you do anything outside of your degree course that would give you additional interest for your remaining time at university, rather than sitting and worrying about your course choice? For example, joining clubs and societies through the student union that are more aligned to your interests, or trying something completely new might give you an alternative focus. This may help you put things into perspective.
  5. Do any of your friends feel the same way? If so, acting as mutual support for each other may help. It might be that you can work through academic problems that you are finding hard together. Or if the issue is not that the work is too hard, just that you don’t enjoy it, working with someone who feels the same may make it less painful. You could plan time out together once a certain amount of the work is done.
  6. Finally don’t worry that doing a course you don’t enjoy will mean your career prospects will be limited to areas that don’t interest you. About 70% of graduate roles do not ask for a specific degree subject. You should visit your careers service as soon as possible and talk to them about your options. Having an end goal may also help you look beyond the relatively short period of your degree and will give you the boost you need to get through it!

Many people look back on their university years with great fondness and this may be because of their course and the knowledge they gained. But university is more than that –the social life and friends that are made. Try to look at the big picture and even if you don’t like your course, you can still have a good time for the remaining stages of university.

Karen Barnard

Director of UCL Careers, part of The Careers Group, University of London

Are you looking for additional help with your career?

By UCL Careers, on 2 April 2014

This post originally appeared on the Develop your Career blog

If you’re still a current student, then you may well already be accessing your own College careers service.  But if you need some extra help, or have left your College, you may like to take part in a unique careers MOOC.

The Careers Group, University of London is launching the Enhance Your Careers and Employability Skills Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) commissioned by the University of London International Programme on 27 May 2014.

Not sure what a MOOC is? Watch this video:

Hosted on the Coursera platform, The Careers Group’s 6-week course is the first of Coursera’s MOOCs to be aimed at any student who wants to explore their career management and employability skills, regardless of their discipline or background. The aim of the MOOC is to be complementary to any other course of study as it enables students to recognise their own strengths and skills. Participants on the MOOC will also be shown how to best articulate those skills and experiences to future employers and academic institutions.

Laura Brammar, a Senior Careers Consultant with The Careers Group and one of the course instructors said:

The Careers Group has produced a really unusual MOOC in the sense that, unlike many other MOOCs that are all based around a discipline, this Careers MOOC is going to be of interest to pretty much everyone. Because whether they’re at the initial stage of their career or coming up to retirement, who isn’t going to find topics such as self-awareness and skills development interesting?

And also, the fact that often people are doing MOOCs with an eye to their career development anyway, it’s a way of super-sizing the MOOCs you’re already doing by thinking how you could feature them in your future career development.

The Careers Group has produced a really unusual MOOC in the sense that, unlike many other MOOCs that are all based around a discipline, this Careers MOOC is going to be of interest to pretty much everyone. Because whether they’re at the initial stage of their career or coming up to retirement, who isn’t going to find topics such as self-awareness and skills development interesting?And also, the fact that often people are doing MOOCs with an eye to their career development anyway, it’s a way of super-sizing the MOOCs you’re already doing by thinking how you could feature them in your future career development.”

The unique structure of the course aims to help participants analyse their previous experiences, expectations and attitudes, both professionally and personally. Participants will also engage in a range of activities which are designed to help them improve key employability documents, such as their CVs or cover letters. The course syllabus includes the following modules:

  • Week 1: What do you want? – Self Awareness
  • Week 2: What can you offer? – Skills Awareness
  • Week 3: Are you ready to find success? – Career Readiness
  • Week 4: How do you express yourself? – Articulating Your Experiences
  • Week 5: What impact do you make? – Making a Good Impression in Person
  • Week 6: How do you build fruitful relationships? – Networking Online and in Person

To learn more and join the ‘Enhance Your Careers and Employability Skills’ for free visit www.coursera.org/course/career