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Centre for Advanced Research Computing


ARC is UCL's research, innovation and service centre for the tools, practices and systems that enable computational science and digital scholarship


k-Plan now available to researchers!

By Sam Cunliffe, on 11 December 2023

One of ARC’s longest-running collaborations is with the Biomedical Ultrasound Group. Over the past three years, we’ve been developing a graphical user interface to simulate ultrasound treatment plans!

The k-Plan Logo

This software is called k-Plan, and licences are now available for sale through UCL’s commercial partner, BrainBox (who also sell ultrasound transducers).

Screenshot of the k-Plan GUI

If you’re interested in medical ultrasound, and think this software might help you: you can read the full UCL press release, or you can see some more snapshots of k-Plan in action.

The people behind the work…

Our collaboration is managed and led by Bradley Treeby. As well as me, there’s a full roster of research software engineers who’ve worked hard at various times over the last three years to make this happen:

  • Panayiotis Georgiou, ex-UCL now ARM.
  • Timothy Spain, ex-UCL now NERSC, 🇳🇴.
  • Ilektra Christidi, ARC, UCL.
  • Alessandro Felder, ARC, UCL.
  • Orod Razeghi, ex-UCL now University of Cambridge.
  • Idil Ozdemir, ARC, UCL.
  • Connor Aird, ARC, UCL.

We also have collaborators from the Brno University of Technology who work behind the scenes on the middleware and back-end of k-Plan and run the planning simulations in the cloud.

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