Arts & Humanities backfiles
By Catherine Sharp, on 29 August 2008
These backfiles (older journal content) are now available to UCL students and staff:
Heythrop Journal Vol. 1, 1960-
Milton Quarterly Vol. 1, 1967-
Critical Quarterly Vol. 1, 1959-
German Life and Letters Vol. 1, 1936-
Art Book, The Vol. 1, 1994-
Orbis Litterarum Vol. 1, 1943-
Journal of Chinese Philosophy Vol. 1, 1973-
Philosophical Books Vol. 13, 1972-
Philosophical Investigations Vol. 1, 1978-
Transactions of the Philological Society Vol. 1, 1854-
Renaissance Studies Vol. 1, 1987-
European Journal of Philosophy Vol. 1, 1993-
Journal of Applied Philosophy Vol. 1, 1984-
Journal of Political Philosophy Vol. 1, 1993-
Metaphilosophy Vol. 1, 1970-
Mind and Language Vol. 1, 1986-
Ratio Vol. 1, 1988-