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Electronic Resources Blog


News and information about ejournals, databases and ebooks at UCL


Archive for the 'General announcements' Category

E-resource access, Tuesday 1 March

By Lesley A Rogers, on 22 February 2011

For a short period between 0800-0900 on Tuesday 1 March, off-site access to library e-resources, including ejournals, will only be possible using Remote WTS, or institutional login for those resources which offer it.   Please consider the login service ‘at risk’ throughout that period.

This is due to a system upgrade.  We apologise for any inconvenience.

MetaLib outage, Wednesday 9 February

By Catherine Sharp, on 7 February 2011

MetaLib will be unavailable for a short period at 0900 on Wednesday 9 February, for a software upgrade. During this outage, alternative lists of ejournals and databases will be available on the Library Services website.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Off-site login problems

By Catherine Sharp, on 21 January 2011

UCL is currently experiencing problems with the login for electronic library resources and some other systems. Technical staff are currently investigating and the service will be restored as soon as possible.

UCL staff and students may use Web WTS to access resources through the UCL Windows desktop.

We apologise for the inconvenience.

E-resource access, Tuesday 9 November

By Catherine Sharp, on 2 November 2010

Between 0830-0900 on Tuesday 9 November, off-site access to library e-resources, including ejournals, will only be possible using Remote WTS or institutional login for those resources which offer it.   Please consider the login service ‘at risk’ until 0930 on that day.

This is due to an system upgrade.  We apologise for any inconvenience.

MetaLib outage and new features

By Catherine Sharp, on 27 August 2010

MetaLib will be upgraded on Monday 13 September, to introduce features including a new QuickSearch module, an ExpertSearch for tailored subject searches and new search results options.

MetaLib will be unavailable on the morning of Monday 13 September, and “at risk” during the rest of the day.  Alternative lists of e-journals and databases will be available on the Library website.

For more information about the new features, please visit the MetaLib information page.

Final year students

By Catherine Sharp, on 22 July 2010

Students who completed their courses in Summer 2010 now no longer have access to e-resources even though their UCL userids and passwords continue to allow them to use services such as e-mail.  This is because the licences which UCL has signed with suppliers restrict e-resource access to current staff and students only.  No exceptions are possible.

You can check your status in Portico to see whether your record has been closed.  If your status is incorrect, and you have not completed your course, please contact Registry.

Security certificate errors

By Catherine Sharp, on 20 May 2010

Users with personal accounts on ejournal and database sites (such as JSTOR) may find themselves presented with security certificate error messages when they log in to a site via the ejournals or databases list, then log in to their personal account on the site to access saved searches and alerts.

Library Services is investigating solutions to this problem, but if you see a security certificate error message you can safely select the option to proceed to the website.

Security messages vary between web browsers. Below are some instructions for Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox 3:

Internet Explorer 8

After logging into the resource via the ejournals or databases list, when you try to log in to your personal account you may see the following message:


Click Continue to this website (there is no danger in doing so.) If you then see a security warning message, select No.

Firefox 3

After logging into the resource via the ejournals or databases list, when you try to log in to your personal account you may see the following message:firefox3.jpe

Click Or you can add an exception..., then Add Exception, then Get Certificate, then Confirm Security Exception.

Apologies for any inconvenience this causes.

MetaLib and SFX Wednesday 14 April

By Catherine Sharp, on 9 April 2010

MetaLib and SFX will be unavailable between 0800 and 0900 on Wednesday 14 April, and should be considered “at risk” during the morning. This is due to a server upgrade.

Alternative lists of ejournals and databases will be provided at these links.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Access to Web of Knowledge

By Catherine Sharp, on 30 March 2010

UCL users are not currently able to log in to Web of Knowledge using the institutional login on the Web of Knowledge site.  The supplier is investigating this problem, which will be resolved as soon as possible.

In the meantime, please use the link to Web of Knowledge on the databases list for access.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

E-resource access, Tuesday 23 March

By Catherine Sharp, on 19 March 2010

For a short time in the period between 0830-0930 on Tuesday 23 March, off-site access to library e-resources, including ejournals, will only be possible using Remote WTS (to simulate on-site access), or institutional login for those resources which offer it.

This is due to an system upgrade.  We apologise for any inconvenience.