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Trial access to Alternative Press Index and Alternative Press Index Archive from EBSCO

By Sarah Gilmore, on 25 January 2024

UCL has trial access to Alternative Press Index and Alternative Press Index Archive from EBSCO until 29th February 2024.

Alternative Press Index (API) and Alternative Press Index Archive (APIA) are bibliographic databases of journal, newspaper, and magazine articles from international alternative, radical, and left periodicals. Born of the New Left, the API was launched in 1969 to provide access to the emerging theories and practices of radical social change. API and APIA coverage is both international and interdisciplinary.

Alternative Press Index : Coverage begins in 1991 and features over 300 periodicals. With over 344,000 records, the API is considered the most comprehensive and up-to-date guide to alternative sources of information available.

Alternative Press Index Archive : Coverage is from 1969 to 1990 and features over 700 periodicals. With over 474,000 records the APIA is an invaluable companion to the Alternative Press Index

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